
Why do I hate Christianity so much?

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I know this isn't the Inquisition. All of that happened 600 years ago. Christians aren't burning and torturing people for daring to criticize their religion. Not anymore. But I feel so persecuted. I feel like I'm constantly being beaten over the head with a cross. I had to grow up with my family and their angry God and Christians, even those who speak of forgiveness, make my skin crawl. There's something that seems so sinister about Christianity. I always view it as something horrible and hateful and evil. I've heard that we are all children of Satan and that unless I repent my sins, whatever they are, their angry sadistic vengeful God will let me burn for the rest of eternity. Christians speak with forgivenss of their lips and hatred in their hearts? Hatred for anyone who dares to question their angry God. I have this weird tendency to think of Christianity as a political party. You are, as Jesus said, to hate your parents and everyone else. You have no obligation to your fellow human. You only have an obligation to the party. You must shun anyone who rejects the party. You must show hatred for anyone the party decides you must hate. Knowledge is only obtained through fear. Certain ideas that may be damaging to the party's political agenda are banned. You will be severely punished if you reject the ideology of the party. You cannot love your fellow human. You can only love the party. You must serve the party. Anything the party says is automatically right. No question. Questioning the party results in an eternity of torture. I don't want to feel this way, but I do. Christians scare me and I tend to view them as corrupt. I feel like they want to punish me for something I don't know I did. My parents were always telling me to repent, they beat me and told me to repent, and I don't know what I've done wrong. They say I walk with Satan. What does that mean? I'd never hurt anybody. I don't understand how the same people who preach of love and forgivness, like Jesus, tell us to reject our fellow humans and only love the party? How can they speak of forgiveness when I feel like they want to punish me?




  1. Your image of Christianity is not entirely accurate. Also, you might consider asking your shrink this one. How are we to know about your issues.

  2. It all makes sense if you don't believe in God. You can then step back and see it for what it really is. Having total control over peoples lives like religion and the church does.

    Vatican city has more money than any company out there...with that money they could rid the world of all poverty over night but they don't!! they continue to make money and accumulate wealth behind the walls of silence the church imposes on all.

    religion kills millions of people every year in wars and we sit back and look at God for rescue. We are never going to be rescued by any God. As soon as we all wake up and smell the s#@t the world of religion is cooking we will be much much better off!!

    Don't get sucked into it!! Free your self and you will see its like believing in Santa Claus!!

  3. Well, I can see why you feel the way you do, considering what your parents taught you. Christianity is confusing and illogical, and many christians are even more confusing and more illogical. Don't try to dwell on it so much. You'll only give yourself a headache.

  4. Once you shed yourself of any "god" you will see the world much more clearly and for what it really is.  It's actually a pretty nice place and you should spend some time enjoying it.  Christians will have you watching your every move, trying not to offend "god" or "jesus" in hopes that you will make it to "heaven".

    Live in this world.  Worry about the next one when you get there (hint: you won't).

  5. Geez, all you have to do is blindly sell your heart and mind, and you will be allowed to live on, for all eternity, continuing to mindlessly worship he who has.. saved... you. It's pretty simple.

    Goa'uld anyone?

  6. If this is what you have been taught of Christianity, it is not the truth Christianity of the Bible and i am very sorry for you.

    The God i know (I am a Christian) loves everyone and is forgiving.

    People are Children of God, not Satan.

    We are to love our neighbours and our enemies. Not hate them.

    We are to embrace those who do not believe in God and be an example to them, not shun them. Jesus did not shun the tax collectors, he had a meal with them!

    I also do not understand how people can preach the things you mentioned under the name of Christ.

    If you would like to know more about my beliefs, please email me. I am very happy to discuss it with you.

  7. Crushed by....wall of text...please...send help...

  8. Wow.

  9. Jesus comments are only properly understood once you have the love he spoke about by receiving His Spirit, being "born again":-

    "they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance." (Acts 2:4)

    People that use h**l to try to scare people have themselves failed to find the goodness of God which leads to repentance.

    P.s. everlasting torment disagrees with:-

    Jude:1:7: Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.

    The judgement is eternal, not the suffering, those cities are not still burning.

  10. I wish people would quit falsely accusing christians of everything and anything.  The inquisition was done by Catholics and they couldn't have been true Christians or they wouldn't have done that.

    Also, the Crusaders were not true Christians either and Hitler was not either.  We get blamed for everything that so-called Christians did who were not Christians at all.  They said they were because the devil wanted the Christians to be blamed.

    The last lie I heard was that Christians killed Jesus.  There were no Christians at all until after the Day of Pentecost.  Jesus disciples did NOT crucify Jesus, the Jews and the Roman government were responsible.  The Jews did everything they could to force the Romans to do it since it was against their law.

  11. One word, ISSUES.

    Plus your 'secret'. People don't feel hellfire for nothing.

  12. First of all I'm so sorry for what you have been through. Gods will is for us to love not hate anyone or anything we can hate the things they do to us or the harm they cause us to go through but not the person. See when you release all the hurt, pain, anger that you have been through you will send it back to them. Smile be happy and most of all love yourself in the end when we take our last breath we must feel free in order to feel Gods love it want even matter then who did what or said what to you I promise. God loves you!

  13. Love for all ;hatred for none should be motto.What happened hundreds of year ago does not justfy the hatred today but what happens today must be honestly attributed to those responsible not everybody should bear the onus.

  14. Use the enter button it makes paragraphs and people will be able to read what you are writing.

    I completely understand and you probably fall into a category other than Christian, this is NOT a sin.

    And this doesn't mean you believe in some other kind of religion.

    You are most likely an agnostic, that is you don't know if you believe in God. There is the rest of your life to work that one out.

    Just remember that there are billions of people out there who aren't Christians and they are still people.

    You hate Christians because the people around you who say they are Christians are not.

    In fact they are the type of people who use religion as an excuse for their bad (sin-full) behavior.

    You should move as far away from these people as you can, so that you can make up your own mind.

  15. Wow, you went through some wacked-out form of Christianity.  In 36 years I have never been taught any of that, or read it in the bible.  

  16. Yeah man! That sucks! I don't believe in Christianity as a religion but I do believe Jesus is the way the truth and the life.

    There is a lot of Christians out there that is not serving or loving God at all. God is not angry, he is love. They are suppose to love every other being as their selves. And love God of course. Those who serve him, doesn't serve him because the fear him, they serve him because they love him.

    Its terrible that you've had so many bad examples of bad christians. I sincerely hope you meet a real one soon.

  17. Why you hate it, I can't say, but you sound very young.

    But you ain't the first of us to feel that way

    Most of us have learned to let it flow over us, like a river flows over pebbles.

    Some of them are good people, trying to do what they think is right, others are more interested in making YOU do what they think is right.

    Sort of, "I can't do it my self, but I might get into heaven, if I can make enough other people do it".

    All that I can suggest it that you do as I did, keep quiet and put up with it, until you can break free, or until you are pushed out: Then you can be your self

  18. I don't blame you for hating a Christianity that has been represented to you in this way.

    Too many people who say they follow Christ fail to note that he only had harsh words for others who claimed to follow the One True God but were instead filled with hatred and lies:


    "You are doing the things your own father does."

    "We are not illegitimate children," they protested. "The only Father we have is God himself."

    Jesus said to them, "If God were your Father, you would love me, for I came from God and now am here. I have not come on my own; but he sent me. Why is my language not clear to you? Because you are unable to hear what I say. You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desire. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies."

    John 8:41-44


    It is true that there are many sections of the Bible that warn those who do believe about the dangers of associating with those who don't - those who desire to snatch them from God if that were possible. But our response should be love and not hate, forvgiveness and not beatings.

    I get so mad at Christians who feel the need to tell eveyone they are sinners, children of the devil, Satan lovers, worshippers of evil and other such things. The Jews knew they were sinners, their rabbis taught them this, they understood why this was said and it was never said in a way that resulted in crushing a people but resulted in a glorious hope in the fact that one day God would restore all this. So for the disciples of Jesus to say 'Repent and believe' would not have been seen as a statement that they were unaware of - they knew they needed to repent. The difference was that the disciples were offering hope. They said that the Messiah had come and that he was bringing with him the beginning of the restoration of all things. Believe in him, that was the real message.

    If you are not convinced you are a sinner then it is not my place to convince you of this. Conviction of sins is the work of the Holy Spirit not man.

    I come to offer hope that such destruction of people will not continue forever, that one day God will wipe every tear from your eye if you will let Him. Trust in Him. He is glorious and loving, He is kind and merciful, full of compassion. He is just and upright - all of His ways are true, good and right... but they can be misrepresented to you... I say that when we truly understand our hope we will become convinced that we are not worthy to be a part of it because we will only corrupt it, but I say also that Jesus will make you worthy of it and assure you a place in it - that is why we repent - not through fear but through conviction that comes from a hope of something more glorious than what we already see.

    I don't tell people to 'love only the party' but to live out the hope that they have. If they have hope for restoration, love, kindness, mercy, peace then they should be all of these things right here, right now! Why is faith without works dead? Because faith is the evidence of things unseen and if you are not living in accordance with the certainty of your hope in restoration then what sort of faith do you really have? True faith will be this evidence. True faith will result in a people who desire to transform the here and now for good. True faith will result in a people who are loving, merciful, kind, faithful and the bringers of peace.

    Please, don't reject Christ because of man. Reject him only because you have examined him and become convinced he was a liar or a madman. Your faith should not be in man - man will fail you. Place your trust and faith in God and God alone for only He is just, upright and true, only He is faithful.

  19. Sounds like a case of severe paranoia to me.     +?+

  20. I hate Christianity as much as you do, the best way to get out of this hellhole of Christians is live in Lie and Deceit those around you, and once you have reached the majority of age, leave your family that has mistreated you since your youth.

    As a last resort, kill them, if they attempt to do so as a product of their beliefs. Your life is more worthy than those who oblige you to the party, you have your own thoughts, don't let them step on you.

    Belief in what YOU belief is real. Anyone's ideas shouldn't count as your own, make up your own philosophy on the creation of mankind and stick to it, your free, use your freedom.

    Much love,

    ~L.O.R.D~ Lazaro

  21. hate the church not the faith.

    i turned my back on the back biting azzmunchers of the church

    a while ago.

    christianity works. just nobody trys hard enough to actualy live peace and love to all.

  22. Do you find it smart to talk about how much you hate religions

  23. "I know this isn't the Inquisition. All of that happened 600 years ago. Christians aren't burning and torturing people for daring to criticize their religion. Not anymore"

    clearly you don't know many non christians as a druid i can assure you christians are STILL on a crusade to wipe out any who don't follow their cult. they may not use the stake anymore but they haven't relented any.  

  24. First of all you must understand Christianity, then understand that  everyone who claims to be a Christian is not really a Christian at all. A true Christian does not hate anyone a true Christian can not hate another human being. A true Christian hates sin but loves the sinner. Christianity is all about love not hate. To walk with satan means to live a life of sin, to conform to the standards of this world, to walk in the ways of satan. But to repent is not something that someone can beat you and make you do it is something that you have to do on your own free will, repentande has to come from the heart. Your parents were wrong to beat you in and effort to make you repent. But some Christians do not fully understand Christianity. When we first become Christians we are baby Christians, just like when we are born, we have to learn to walk and talk, we as baby Christians have to learn how to walk and talk as a Christian should. Christians are not perfect but we as Christians should make perfection our goal. We must continue to grow spiritually until we reach that goal, til we are perfect. We can do it. Jesus, walked this earth as a man and He was perfect in all His ways to show us that we too can be perfect. God wants us as Christians to not conform to the standards of this world, But that does not mean we must not associate with none Chriatians or reject them but that does mean we must not indulge in the things that none Christian may indulge in or to reject any invitation  that a none Christian might extend to us to join them in any unholy activity. So at times it may seem to you that a certian Christian is rejecting you when he or she is actually rejecting your ways, while at the same time extending a hand to you to join them in their ways. We as Christians are commissioned to go into all the world and preach the gospel, that means whereever we go, preach the gospel...But I do want to say, I love you and there is no hate in my heart for any man. And when I sat that I speak for all true Christians...

  25. I too grew up in a Christian family and went to a religious school. It is hard for us because all that conditioning is deep within our heads.

    It sounds easy but all you have to do is shut that part of your mind off and accept the truth that there is no god (deliberate use of small "g"). Walk away from religion - have no part of it or in it and be your own person. You can still be a good person. You answer to yourself and no-one else.

    I find it incredible in this day and age that people still perpetuate that old Bible c**p based on a bunch of stories written 2000 years ago. The modern church bears no resemblance to the early church in any case - I'm sure that the big JC would turn in his grave (sorry - "tomb") if he could see the hypocritical way the church is organised today.

    Don't feel tortured - feel sorry for all those christians who are wasting their lives thinking there is another life after this one instead of living each day like its their last.

    Its hard - really hard but to put all the christian stuff out of your head you simply have to decide to do just that.

    Many of the cleverest and happiest people in the world are non - christian believers...and that's not to mention all the other religions - are they all wrong?

    Be a good human, love when you can and enjoy your life - good luck !

  26. Wow. Um. I'm sorry. I'm an agnostic, but I don't think most Christians hold those beliefs. You speak of Christianity as if it were a cult. Which, some people like polygamists turn it into that, but although I'm not Christian, I've read the Bible and Jesus is about forgivness. I think maybe you're thinking of the God described in parts of the old testament? You clearly  need to see some sort of therapist because you seemed to have been raised with a really messed-up distortion of Christianity. The sad thing is that with the Bible, and almost any written work, people can take words and turn them into anything they want. They can make the words mean whatever they want to fit their own agenda. And when you speak of Christians you seem to be referring mostly to your family, not the entire group as a whole. You seem to be equating Christianity with some sort of religious version of Stalinist Russia. A lot of people are Christians and only a few wackos actually think in the way you described, and they can belong to any religion. Just look at what's going on in the middle east. Religion is a touchy subject, because it can accomplish a lot of good but it can also accomplish a lot of bad. No religion is all good or all bad. The people carrying out the religion carry it out in different ways, and some are beneficial. A lot of Christians do a lot of charity work and do a lot of good for a lot of people, help a lot of troubled people sort their lives out, but it can also be used in a way that is oppressive and intolerant. I'm sorry that you had to grow up the way you did, but I, though myself not a Christian, assure you that most people in general are not like that.  

  27. You just need to get away from destructive and hateful people. It sounds like you've had a lot of bad experiences.

  28. You hate Christianity so much because of your deep-seated and valid fear that it is true; that you are accountable to Jesus Christ.

  29. El Cristianismo Católico es la Religión de la Fraternidad Humana

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