I know this isn't the Inquisition. All of that happened 600 years ago. Christians aren't burning and torturing people for daring to criticize their religion. Not anymore. But I feel so persecuted. I feel like I'm constantly being beaten over the head with a cross. I had to grow up with my family and their angry God and Christians, even those who speak of forgiveness, make my skin crawl. There's something that seems so sinister about Christianity. I always view it as something horrible and hateful and evil. I've heard that we are all children of Satan and that unless I repent my sins, whatever they are, their angry sadistic vengeful God will let me burn for the rest of eternity. Christians speak with forgivenss of their lips and hatred in their hearts? Hatred for anyone who dares to question their angry God. I have this weird tendency to think of Christianity as a political party. You are, as Jesus said, to hate your parents and everyone else. You have no obligation to your fellow human. You only have an obligation to the party. You must shun anyone who rejects the party. You must show hatred for anyone the party decides you must hate. Knowledge is only obtained through fear. Certain ideas that may be damaging to the party's political agenda are banned. You will be severely punished if you reject the ideology of the party. You cannot love your fellow human. You can only love the party. You must serve the party. Anything the party says is automatically right. No question. Questioning the party results in an eternity of torture. I don't want to feel this way, but I do. Christians scare me and I tend to view them as corrupt. I feel like they want to punish me for something I don't know I did. My parents were always telling me to repent, they beat me and told me to repent, and I don't know what I've done wrong. They say I walk with Satan. What does that mean? I'd never hurt anybody. Please...help. I don't understand how the same people who preach of love and forgivness, like Jesus, tell us to reject our fellow humans and only love the party? How can they speak of forgiveness when I feel like they want to punish me?