
Why do I hate EVERYTHING?

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I'm 15 years old, and I'm sort of depressed. My problem is I can't look at something without hating it. I only see bad in people. I'm extremely judgemental of people and when I walk into a room, I notice everybody and they all annoy me. I know there is no real cure for this, I just want to know if this is common at all and if there are any methods to focus on what I am doing and not get all angry about stupid things.




  1. Find something to like. It doesn't have to be people. There are a lot of things in this world so I'm sure you can find something to be like. Be happy with the few things that don't annoy you.

    'sides. People are worthy enough to not be hated. All they do is cause pain and destruction.

  2. I identify with you.  With the world being negative and very cliquish, it is very hard to learn to like it.  I remember my parents telling me about how the world would change for me when I grew up and that the adolescent behavior would go away.  Well, it did not.  The grown ups today are completely different compared to their predecessors.  I remember grown ups just liking people for who they were vs. whether they had children or not.  Today, that is how people are.  If you don't have what everyone else has, you failed.  To me, that is stupid.  There are people who are successful because they have sacrificed everything to help others, etc.

    I have, however; tried to rectify my situation by trying to see others in a different perspective.  Instead of seeing adults as adults, I see adults as little children and always ask myself what their Mommies would have said to them.  There are times when you actually start to feel sorry for the other people and then I don't hate them anymore.  I feel pity for them.  And, people that have been bad, you just look at them like Dennis the Menace.  Life starts to look a lot different and makes you feel less likely to take your anger out on another person.

    I know you are only 15 but your goal should be to find confidence.  If I were 15 again, I would worry about getting really good grades at school right now.  Involve yourself in your school work and get into a really good college.  Then, finish college and get a good paying job.  You will be surprised how your fellow classmates do after they leave high school.  Some of them will be wearing blue shirts with name tags.  

    Finally, find some compassion for things that you hate.  You would be surprised how your hatred will deflect from those items.  For example, you hate a cat you see and you decide to see it as a fuzzy little helpless creature.  THEN, you find compassion for it and you do not hate it anymore.  I find that works.

    Hope this helps and just remember that you are not alone.  There are thousands of us in this world.

  3. dont are just like me. i pretty much find a way to hate everybody and everything. try changing your everybody has flaws, even yourself. it will take a while to get used to this perspective, its not gonna get fixed overnight. hope this helps :)

  4. Because you are a Debbie Downer, Negative Nancy, Chris Cryalot, Miserable Mike, whatever name you wanna call it. Get on some anit-depressants.

  5. Many people feel that way but if you want to fix it you got to see the light in people. Why do you hate people? Sure some people are just unreasonable, idiots, b******s, b*****s, *** holes, mental, etc but you have to realize that everyone has something good inside them. If you realize the good part in them then you can befriend them and live overall a much more happy life.

    If you don't fix this then it doesn't matter because well it's your life live as you want. However think of this. Later on in your life you will be lonely because of a lack of connection with people. If you feel that way about people than what is your feelings on good? If you use common sense then there really is no reason to hate people since you are one yourself.

    Just focus on the good of people. Just trying to help.

  6. The fact that it concerns you that you feel this way shows that there is goodness and caring inside you.  A sociopath would't give a d**n about feeling this way.  You don't really hate everything, and a really depressed person wouldn't feel like using a computer and asking something of YA.   A depressed person has no interest in anything.  

    Listen, there are a lot of annoying people in the world, but you can almost always find something OK about them--or, you can get a laugh by noting how useless and awful they are.  :-)

    Seriously, the best way to pull yourself up is to reach a hand down to help someone else.  Maybe you can tutor elementary school kids or somehow get involved in something.  I'm not saying be a "joiner;" I'm not much of one myself.  But once you get some interests outside of yourself, you won't notice or be annoyed by these things quite as much anymore.  

    You're young, and you realize things aren't quite right.  From there, you absolutely can make them better.  Hang in there!

  7. If I were you, I'd go see a doctor/psychiatrist/therapist. That would be a terrible problem to have.

  8. its not uncommon, but its not a good thing either. start seeing a phycologist and get on some anti depressants. good luck

  9. i don't agree that most people are bad,i say we all make mistakes but ppl are good in general. It's easy to judge and see what's someone lacking or other ppl's mistakes. How about trying a little bit harder and see the good side??

      I was the same as you at one point,more angry actually but then i realized i don't like myself or should i say me in the situation i was in and my life as it was,the path i was walking on. I decided to do something good with my life,set up goals and i'm working towards them,the closer i get the better i feel. I'm in a good place right now, i'm happy and don't judge other ppl and their lives,the way they are. I concentrate on my life and people i love.

    P.S. you're no better than other people so i don't know why they should get on your nerves.

    Don't be an ***,you'll end up being miserable and alone

  10. I only see bad in people, because MOST people are bad. Why should we befriend everyone, we shouldn't. Only few select people should be privileged enough to be our friends. I am just like you, i've been that way since I was a young young teen, now I'm 25. ..

  11. i think you are just short tempered, mabye when something ticks you f you emediatly get in a fit which makes you angry at everything i have the same problem but i just try to remember to stay cool and not EVERYONE is bad, there is good in people and you have to try to find that.

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