
Why do I hate animals (seriously)?

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It's not like I want to be like this...I want to die at the thought of something touching me...or l*****g me...or hair getting on me...I don't care if they are washed daily,they gross me out...and cats just freak me out period...I think baby animals are extremely cute to look at but I'd die before I pet something...I don't want to hurt something unless it tries to get near me,then I'll be tempted to kick it away...and animals ALWAYS want to get near me,ALWAYS...The only thing I like and would want to touch is like a horse or an elephant or some kind of truly special animal...I don't like this about makes me feel mean...but touching any kind of animal makes me feel dirty or grossed I have to scrub and scrub my hands clean...Like I said if a cat or dog tries to l**k me,I will feel unclean for a long,long time...death for me is if a cat arches against my leg...I wanna die from fear and being grossed out...So I kick because I'm scared and grossed out...

I know God doesn't want me to mistreat his creations....




  1. ok so you sound like you have an obsession with cleanliness....but as long as you are not harming these creatures thats fine.

    maybe just as a start you can wear gloves and pet a dog or cat.puppy or kitten would be better since you find them cute and they are obviously safer, since you're weary.

  2. Are you also very clean in your house ? And washing your hands too often ? Or change clothes because you feel dirty ?

    It looks like me you could have this 'syndrome" that you're too clean. And it has nothing to do with animals in particular.

    Could this be it ? If so maybe you can talk to your doctor about it. Not trying to be mean, just trying to figure out what where this comes from.

  3. maybe go to an animal shelter and see if they will let you sit in the cat room, the cats will be in cages so they can't touch you.  maybe bring a friend with you, keep going back there and then maybe eventually  you will be able to put a finger in a cage and let one rub up against your finger.  in the mean time do a lot of research on cats on the internet.  

    you maybe want to consider some short term counseling to help you get through this.

  4. hah clean freak?

    just kidding!

    I love animals to death.

    listen girl, not all animals are like this.

    animals are not dirty unless

    the owner makes them that way!

    they are loving creatures

    and do nothing wrong.

    but you have your opinion.

    and i have mine that was just mine above.

    good luck:)

  5. Don't worry, I used to HATE whenever a friend's pet would come up to me and l**k me. I guess it was more a different thing to happen than me hating it. I am starting to get more used to it because a lot of my friends have pets, and am even considering getting a few pets.

    I don't think you just hate animals. Maybe it could be a deeper thing such as an experience when you were young? If you truly want to know why you behave the way you do, I would talk to a therapist because they could ask questions that you have answers to but might not know to ask.

    Lastly, try to calm down when around animals. When one walks up to you, try to gently move it so it goes somewhere else. One thing that works really well with dogs is to use common commands that an owner would use like "sit" or "stay" and it should follow the command.

  6. Maybe you ave a phoebia or something...

    but you like some animals that are special

    maybe you are just allergic to other animals but you still care for them it is a sig of kindness but someday you may overcome that feeling of dying when they l**k you or you touch them.

  7. there only animals..................i think you might be too over clean you keep saying you want to wash your self all the time if an animal touches you?

  8. maybe you have ocd (obsessive compulsive disorder) otherwise i have no clue why you wouldnt like animals...i like them better than people....

  9. First of all i find this a little sad. It really seems like you want to like animals, but they gross you out and all.

    SOO you say you like horses and elephants. which pretty much tells me you like calm, and gentle animals right?

    You can start getting over you're fear/fobia by touching one. Get some gloves and go to something that has lots of animals( Like a fair or a petting zoo).make sure they are in pins so you dont get freaked out by them coming up to you. Find one that you think is cute and nice. PET IT. you will have gloves on so the grossness of it wont freak you out. feed it a treat or something  then after you are really comfortable take off you're gloves and pet it again. if that is too much get some hand sanitizer and use it afterwards.

    The only way to get over you're fear/hate for animals is to see that they are not that bad. If you still hate animals seek professional help.

    I think OCD with cleanliness is you're biggest problem, you have to understand that most animals are not dirt and gross.

    Heres my list of animals to stay away from are;






    you get my drift.

  10. I know what you mean, I used to never go near cats or dogs cos I thought theyd shed hair all over me and I'd make sure our cat was out of the garden when I went to play in it when I was little :S Maybe you could get a small pet, such as a hamster, they are sweet and you dont have to handle them a lot, they are only active at night, plus this sounds mean but if you decide you dont like him, they only live for around a year or two...hope this helps :) x

  11. I think you might have an exaggerated YUCK sense.

    You reasoning is probably based of a keen awareness of possible

    ZOONOSIS. It's a branch of medicine dealing with cross infections from

    other animal kind to humans

    It's really not a common occurrence but washing hands is wise if you have reason to fear intestinal parasites . Normal contact with pets is hardly a great risk.

    It would be a pity to deny the pleasure of pet ownership because of this. After all, it is human "designer " breeding that favoured the wonderful companionship and dependence of our pets.

  12. You can do one of two things: either just accept the mentality that you do not like animals or "practice" being around animals.

    In the case of the former, it doesn't make you a bad person. You're not a bad person if you don't like animals. A bad person is somebody who abuses and mistreats animals. You're not doing that so long as you just ignore them.

    In the second case, maybe just try to play around with a friend or neighbor's dog or cat. Or if you want to go a step further, volunteer at a veterinary hospital or some other place that would have animals (but I don't think you'd feel comfortable in this environment). Maybe if you spend more time with animals you'll see that they are, for the most part, kind creatures that just want to be loved. If it's the germ aspect you're worried about, as long as you give your hands a good scrubbing afterwards you should be fine (and personally, despite having a dog, I've never had any problems with health whether I've washed my hands after petting her or not).

    I volunteered at a veterinary hospital for two summers and worked at a veterinary hospital for a year and a half. I never contracted any kind of illness from working with the dogs (even though some of the dogs there were very sick), so germs should not be any kind of issue, especially with a healthy dog.

    It could also be a case of OCD, especially if you're concerned about germs in other aspects of life. A lot of OCD people are very obsessed with germs and cleanliness. If you do have OCD, there really isn't much you can do about it (there are forms of psychosurgery, but it's not really worth it unless the OCD is interfering with your life drastically), because you'll never want to be around animals due to the feeling of dirtiness that you may feel they have.

  13. Don't feel bad, I know what you mean. I hate it when someone lets there dog l**k my baby. Its not that I hate animals, but for myself, I choose not to have them in my home. I have dealt with fleas in the past, fur shedding, and "messes" way too many times. I like to have a clean home. That's just me.

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