
Why do I hate children so much? I just ...?

by  |  earlier

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dont care about them at all. I can watch one get hurt, beaten, raped and I just don’t care. I hate myself for it and I want to change. But why is this?

I was driving from work to my house. I was going to get dressed so I could go out later with my friends. I saw this child that was around the age of 2 or 3. She was - I am assuming - abandoned on the side of the road. But instead of stopping (because I wanted to hang out with my friends) I waited 30 minutes to call the police (from a payphone). I called them from a payphone because I did not want to get involved in the "mess".

I should have stopped and helped, but why didn’t I?

Why do I do this? Hate them so much?




  1. Did you have a bad childhood? Did kids pick on you when you were little? Were you really unhappy as a kid?

  2. You need help!!!!!!!!!!!!! O my you just left it what kind  of person are u!!!!

  3. you had a question like this deleted before i am sure telling what you was goign to do to little children you should be in trouble for not calling if this is even true cause anyone with a heart would have stopped and you probally dropped the child off on the side of the road

  4. ??????

  5. dude/chick...i used to feel da same exact way u do. i later found out that is because i was sexually abused as a child and some other nasty stuff. i tried really hard and i actually met sum1 and he turned my life around. now i have 2 s**y lil kids and i want a 3rd so desperately bad but I'm gonna go on adoption this time. hope u get better.

  6. You could watch a child get beaten, raped, and hurt but not feel a single speck of sorrow or disgust?? What the h**l is wrong with you??

  7. If you're a troll, then all I can say is - *yawn*.

    If you're for real, then sorry I have no sympathy. You don't have to like kids, but to be able to happily "watch one get hurt, beaten, raped"? I'm glad you hate yourself for it, I hate you too.

  8. First and foremost, you don't hate children. To have children would imply you hate yourself. After all, weren't you a child once?

    "Hate is the generic word, and implies that one is inflamed with extreme dislike" Your common dislikes of children could range from the immature rationale derived from today's morality. The consistent similarities of children are 1. They imitate adults' actions and 2. They are developing minds.

    To find out what you dislike, turn off the phone, computer, and TV, illuminate the room slightly and meditate with soothing music (seriously). Once you have reached peace, ask your self a better question? Your question above implies you are hateful and despise kids.    Ask this question!

    What actions of people make me angry? What am I thankful for? What ways can I help children?

  9. maybe a bad childhood, a younger sibiling you dislike?

  10. I hope that you're just making a sick joke here.  ANYONE who can stand by and say that they can watch a child get hurt, beaten or raped and not care doesn't deserve to breathe.  Sick jerk!

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