
Why do I hate homophobes?

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I seriously hate homophobes in a really REALLY strong way that I want to do something bad back to them. Why is that? Am I wrong please tell me if I am and tell me why... But I do know that it is wrong to harm others so I'll NEVER do that, but in my mind I still have hate for them.




  1. Because you're g*y.

  2. You are completely right!

  3. Hatred is a terrible thing and far worse than homophobia!

    It means that you are loosing self control over your emotions and are not far off violence!

    Whilst homophobia is not nice it seems you have a worse problem and need medical help to control your anger and emotions!!

  4. You just can't hate them, my friend. This kind of thing has been going on for ages!

  5. looks like your a homophobaphobic

    how does it feel to be scared by people that disagree with your lifestyle?

  6. cuz homophobes like p***s in the butt.  they just don't know it yet. and it freaks them out so they try to tell everyone else what to do because they're old and they're ugly and nobody loves them.

  7. i think you need to try to hate the sin, not the sinner or this may start eating you up and consuming you until you are bitter and resentful like them!  

  8. All I can say is dont act on it. Maybe u had some bad past experience with them.  

  9. because u hate haters. Just remember, some are very ignorant, uneducated people. Funny, I was not too very fond of g*y/lesbians, till that fateful day my beautiful son told me he was g*y. I cried alot!! why, because I was uneducated on the subject. As soon as I could, I found out all I could about the g*y life. Now I have a whole new world opened to me......and yes! I favor adoption for g**s, and marriage(If they want to be miserable like the rest of us). luv ya, dont let hate eat u up, instead, feel sorry for those that may hate you. fight the good fight!

  10. Its not wrong to hate a hate-filled person.  Here's a question by one if you're interested...;...

  11. Same reason as to why ethnic minorities don't like racist people.

    Who likes a hate-filled/narrow-minded person?

  12. I do to but it depends on what kind some are just a little creeped out (namely because their not into that like seeing someone with a foot fetish when you don't have one)but they don't have anything against g*y/lez and then there are the ones that are just plain fascist. but the real question is do you hate them or are angry because hate only strengthens their hatred anger keeps you from being a doormat and helps you get things done

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