
Why do I hate the UK Police so much?

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I consider myself a normal hardworking person who has never been in any trouble with the Police, until now.

I don’t drink, I don’t do drugs and I hold down a good job. My only vice is that I smoke. I am fed up of being treated like a criminal by the Police in this country. In my job I travel a lot to the US, Spain and Portugal. They also have a smoking ban but they have a completely different attitude. Why do we have to be so ANAL about everything? I cant stand the British Police and I will never help them anymore. They are on there own.




  1. It would help if you explain what happened when you smoked.

    You should get the Allen Car, Easy way book. After reading that you realise you don't enjoy smoking, it's because you smoke to feel normal because it's a drug addiction. You can get the book on amazon.

    It worked for me, as I used to smoke 20 a day and haven't smoked for 7 months now. You know what they say about ex smokers being the worst.

    Maybe it's more accepted in warm European countries because they have a cafe culture where they sit outside more?

    It isn't really good in our country, as with our damp air, it makes chest conditions worse.

    Saying that, I'm not bothered if somebody smokes next to me, and people used to expect pubs to be full of smoke, as it was kind of traditional to have a drink and a f@g. I just found out that f@g is a banned word on YA lol because of the USA meaning. I find people who make a fuss about a bit of smoke from a distance to be a bit sad. They would breathe in more smoke having a BBQ.

    I don't agree with pubs banning smoking as they can't get by on the food. I've never had a decent meal yet in a pub. Always dried or warmed up rubbish, but then I'm half French so know how to cook.

  2. Our police do not seem to be engaged with proper criminality. They love to stop innocent motorists. And generally stop decent people going about their business like it was a third world dictatorship. To be honest, INTRUSIVE is the word. And when you actually have cause to call them, they are too "busy".

  3. As you don't (or can't) explain how the police "treat" you like a criminal I doubt anyone here will be able to give you an answer.

    Perhaps you have been treated poorly by individual officers, but its says more about you than the "British Police" when you state "I will never help them anymore".

    Its like me writing off all black males aged 18-25 'cos I've arrested a few for agg robbery, or hating all accountants 'cos I've arrested more than a couple for s*x assault on a would be pathetic.

  4. Because cops suck?!

  5. The cops do suck.  The British police are backing up their socialist police state.  I like to smoke too and have to always wear shades outside so people don't see how red and droopy my eyes are.

  6. Because so many of them are self opinionated, obnoxious, arrogant individuals

  7. The un-educated complain about "innocent people" being stopped all the time. Well for most people this is the only contact the public has with the police because they never normally have to call them. Do criminals not use the road networks to travel? Most top wanted people in the world have been arrested as a result of routine traffic stops.

    Your complaint about the smoking ban and the police is pathetic.....THE GOVERNMENT MAKE THE LAW NOT THE POLICE!.

    I am a smoker and I am against the ban. The problem with this country is that most of the council estate complainers never get of their backsides to get to the polling stations to vote. From memory only 12% of the population voted last time around. Dont like the laws of the land? Then use your voice and complain to the people that count, not muppets on here with the same narrow mind as yours!

    I fully expect you to pick a best answer that agrees with your opinion....not from the average thumbs ups.

  8. pickle has got it right.....the police don't make the laws..they just grass people up to the judges.and then the judges deal with it.

    whats the difference between a policeman and a police informer?

    nothing...they both grass people up for money

  9. Maxi Robespierre ii - You put that perfectly - I cant top that. You are so right!!!

  10. welcome to the club,more and more people are realising what the police are really like,they have lied to me,lied about me,hit me,harrassed me and so on,they have such a bad attitude,ive been to prison a lot of times,its nice when a policeman comes in,they are not so tough without their guns and batons and sprays and their mates behind them,although they are normally put on wings for vulnerable prisoners and s*x offenders for their own protection,i wonder why that is because all the police on yahoo think they are good guys,

  11. Join the other 75 per cent of the nation who just don,t respect the police any longer.Once you have been prosecuted for a really minor offence....that element of trust and admitration has vanished.They are now the puppets for the government who want everyone to be as miserable and brain-washed as them.They are just one of the reasons why the people are sick of living here in the Uk. We don,t have so much fun because of all the interference,daft rules and daft laws. Even the innocent beach hut owner now has to spend time and money on daft  paperwork saying their hut is safe!! ITs all going wonky...and the daft rule-makers are making a fortune in fines.

  12. Do you not realise that smoking is bad for you..... likewise listening to Aberdeen Tyke!!!!

  13. You need to think your self lucky that they don't carry guns, they are there to protect you not just from criminals but also from yourself, they don't make the laws they are there to make sure the law is carried out!!!

    The police in Spain and Portugal are the most corrupt in Europe, they will gladly beat the the living s**t out of you for no reason, now get out of our country you ungrateful s**t!!!!

  14. You have got it all wrong, my friend....

    The Police do not MAKE the laws, they enforce them.

    It is the British Government who brought in the no smoking laws.  A government elected by the people of the country.

  15. i know how you feel m8,thy think thy are god and do what thy want,some times i think i most be a bit Muslim cos i cant stand them pigs

  16. Maxi Robespierre:- You are obviously one of those innocent Motorist's that break the speed limit, park where you like, use your mobile and the many other things that you don't apply or should apply to you. Get real the majority of our police Officers do their  very hard job to the best of their abilities although their hands are tied by do gooders. They didn't make the laws about Smoking Ban's which is an excellent law by the way, they are just enforcing the law as they are paid to do.

    When you next need the help of the Police, I hope that when they arrive, you will be honest and tell them that you can't stand them and would walk past them if they were in trouble, I don't think you would have the bottle to do that, so stop winghing and give a thought to the diffiuclt job that they have to face on a daily basis, which no doubt you wouldn't be prepared to do.

  17. A lot of British police are stuck-up, arrogant and over-zealous. They are also better at giving out speeding tickets than catching real criminals

  18. It was a fundamental freedom to smoke where and when you pleased, every generation gets used to having less freedoms it seems.  I had to work w. them in my last job and I came to dislike intensely about 50%, the other half seemed pretty decent (if hypocritical).  As a peasant I really hate being talked to as if a peasant, it's a pretty anal job and always will attract a pretty high degree of officious anuses!

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