
Why do I have Eye Goobers?

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Hey guys whats going on?

I have a 501 sq ft apartment and i also have 4 cockatiels in my place. Recently i have been waking up with some eye discharge (or eye goobers) Its nothing like pink eye or anything serious, but i have noticed it.

I do wear contacts and i do give my eyes 1-2 days breaks for every 2-3 days i wear my contacts.

I also have an air filter right by my birds cage, but my house still gets dusty from the dander released by the 'tiels (birds)

Could the eye goobers be from a result of the dander? Is it an allergic reaction and should i get rid of the birds? Any suggestions?

Thanks all!




  1. If it's a new symptom then I would guess you're developing an infection. I wouldn't think it would be allergies because when you're allergic to something your eyes get red and swollen, but usually there is no discharge unless there's a secondary infection cause by scratching/rubbing them.

    I would take your contacts out and not wear them until you get checked out for an infection. Then, I'd start with a fresh pair (pitch the old ones) so you don't reinfect yourself. Just because it's not a severe infection doesn't mean that you don't have something of that nature. Especially, again, if these are new symptoms.  

  2. I call them eye boogies, and they are totally normal. dont worry (:

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