I'm socialy phobic so find it hard to be my myself, I can't make phone calls, so at 22 I have only worked once for a space of a few months, and right now I'm unemployed with no money, having to borrow large amounts of money off people and feeling guilty. People think I'm just lazy, and I have to present a falsely happy face to people when I go out so I don't seem miserable or weird. I am years behind with my education because of poor attendance, and am only just struggling through each course. I've just started going out with someone but can't express my feelings with them because of fear. I only really have one/two set of clothes and my trousers have a hole in them now so when I'm invited out its embarrassing. I am overweight and can't stop comfort eating. I'm g*y as well.
My body really gets me down to the point where I don't believe I will ever be intimate with anyone. My b***s didn't grow- I'm an AA cup, which looks odd because I'm a size 14-16. Not only that but one side hasn't developed properly- its hypoplastic.
I have horrible toenails and I'm too embarrassed to see the doctor, it's a fungal infection I think. I won't even undress for the beach, I wear hoodies all the time.
And I have more intimate problems too which I won't go into but find it impossible to imagine someone touching me there (I'm a woman). I would just die.
I also have emotional issues because I fell in love with someone who does not love me back. I have been in love with them for 6 years now, and don't think I'll ever love someone else in the same way. It's totally broken my heart and until recently noone even knew.
I feel like life has made sure I will never be happy. Why me, I feel maybe if there's a God then he's making fun of me.