
Why do I have a curve in my back

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I'm a 19 year old guy who has a sever curve in the upper portion of the back. It's like my head sticks out in front of my body. I know this is not normal because I stand next to other people and they don't look anything like me. It is also starting to get my physical pain. in my back as well.

I am, you could say abnormally tall. Standing at 6'1" I feel like I don't belong on this planet. All throughout my life I have been much taller then anyone around me. It makes me most upset when people comment about how tall I am. As a result I hunched a lot as a kid, trying desperately to become less conspicuous as I possibly could.

Now I am by no means an intelligent person, so I'm hoping some smart people could give me a good answer to me question. Could this be the reason I developed a curve in my back? Or is there another reason altogether?




  1. alright first of all dont put youre self down you are more intelligent than you think.

    you probably suffer from scoliosis if this is the case it can be treated but needs to diagnosed by a DR.. it runs in my family

    until you can see a DR try to sit up straight as much as posiible

    practice good posture in other words and for  you're back pain i would reccomend a back massage . a heating bad warm hot baths , an ointment such as ICY HOT  and unless you are allergic take Ibuprofen for the pain. but see a DR ..

  2. there used to be giants in the earth according to the bible. go to a chiro and get assessment. i had quite bad psoture but it has improved. I love tall girls!

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