
Why do I have a lot of little balls (pimple like) on my back?

by  |  earlier

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They are like little pimples but they are all over... I´ve never had pimples on my bakc ..or anywhere really... and im not allergic to anything. They´ve been there for quite a while, maybe a couple of months




  1. Its called Bacne hun, you need to try to use a loofah on your back and scrub. Exfoliating is the key!

  2. acne. you need some tazorac cream. ask you primary care doctor.

  3. It's called BACNE.

  4. You need to see a Dermatologist.  

  5. probably heat bumps, just blow some air on it with like a fan they will go away eventually and after you shower put vasaline on it  

  6. It may be something called Keratosis Plaris.  Also known as "chicken" skin.  Check out this link   I have it on my upper arms and just use an exfoliate on it in the shower.  It does not make it go away and you can still see it but at least it is smooth and does not feel any different.  

  7. You have backballamatosis. Be worried!!

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