
Why do I have a small build?

by Guest44690  |  earlier

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As in, when I look in the mirror, my body looks small in comparison to my head. I don't workout much, I do pushups every now and then and I've got a bit of v shaped body but it's small. My parents aren't like this...I'm 15, 5'5 (165cm) and 54kg (about 125lbs I think)




  1. The first thing I'd like to say is that you are only 15 and you still have MANY years for your body to grow, in proportion to your head being big in comparison to your body. In other words your body will fill out and you may be able to look in the mirror and think it all looks well proportioned. I also think that you're probably seeing yourself a little more harshly than others see you. This happens to MOST PEOPLE when they look in the mirror! You may think your head looks big in comparison to your body, when you look at yourself in the mirror but other people might not see it that way, they may see that you don't look any different than anyone else. Also, you do have genetics to consider, just because your parents aren't or don't seem to have the same body type as you, doesn't mean that you didn't receive some genes that may have skipped a generation or two. Again though, you've still got at least five years of growing to do. Give yourself some time, wait until your at least 20 before you start to concern yourself with how your body looks. Hey Michael Phelps has a V shaped body and look how many gold medals he won, because that body shape made him an excellent swimmer! One more thing, the push ups will strengthen your upper body, contributing to the V shape look. So, make sure to do some lower body exercises as well, may be even a little extra lower body than upper body exercises. This will help you sculpt your body into less of a V shape, if it's bothering you.

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