
Why do I have all these ant around my house? About a week ago there were huge ant piles right out side of?

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of my garage so I sprayed with ant killer and then I found them in my backyard, so I sprayed a barrier all around the whole back yard, then this mourning in front of the garage again and there were even bigger ones with wings??? WTF... how am I spraying all of this ant killer and not killing them, what should I buy next time? please tell me this is not good I have dogs that have been laying in the grass and them come in my house with ants..... ewww.




  1. Most likely you have a nearby infestation. Most likely underground with tunnels leading to your property.

    You need to spread bait (like AMDRO) wherever there is ground visible. Wherever there are holes or cracks. Wherever there have been ants visible. *** Keep kids away from the bait. Keep pets away from the bait.

    If you are able to, spread the bait just past the boundaries of your property as far as possible. If the adjoining area is city property ten contact the city for pesticide help.

    Use safe ant killer sprays inside your house wherever ant have been seen.  Other places:  attic, basement, sheds.

  2. Tesco sell ant bait stations, 2 for under £3. I bought them as we were infested, I put one station out and within a day they were gone! They are for indoor and outdoor use.

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