
Why do I have bad breath when I'm on my period?

by Guest61097  |  earlier

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I noticed everytime I have my period, I have bad breath problems. I never have bad breath issues in my regular days.




  1. it's not uncommon. i read somewhere that when you have your periods the lining in your mouth is more prone to bleeding (not droplets of blood, but just minute scratches etc) and hence the bad breath.

  2. women are prone to bad breath during menstrual and pregnancy because of hormonal change which affects the levels of salivation and causes dry mouth.  mouth dehydration is a condition whereby easily allowing bacteria to breed and multiply faster because bacteria thrives in low-salivated and low-oxygenated environment. saliva is the natural defense of our body to keep bad bacteria at bay.  salivation can help prevent not only bad breath but other dental problems as well.

    natural bad breath cure can come from an all natural oral care product. this can help in washing away food debris that are left between the teeth and gums. water can help in keeping the mouth salivated and can keep bad bacteria at bay.

    you may have a good program of oral hygiene, do properly brush and floss teeth every after meal. be able to know the cause of your bad breath first to be able to get the best treatment.

    it is always best to have a talk with your dentist so that he can detect the underlying cause of your bad breath.

    for more tips about natural bad breath cures visit

  3. Maybe it is your hormones?  Just carry around some sugar free gum, or mint at that time so you can at least mask it.  Next time you go to the dentist just ask him/her I'm sure you aren't the only female to ever experience this.

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