
Why do I have depression immediately following s*x?

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It is absolutely horrible. My boyfriend will finish and I will immediately start bawling my eyes out about something. It's not a guilt thing (at least not consciously)... what is it?




  1. I don't know...maybe it is your partner's lovemaking that makes you sounds like it feels so good that you don't want to stop, perhaps?

  2. None of us can answer how you feel about your BF.  I am assuming that you have had relations with other guys.  Did you have the same problems with them?

  3. Maybe it's cause your not ready yet or you feel guilty for doing it. It could also be that you know your not doing it with the right guy(:

  4. Usually its because you come down from that high. It's not uncommon for that to happen.

  5. I don't know about your boyfriend not being the right one; that may be the simple answer.

    Another possible answer follows from my views on s*x, which most people do not like. I see s*x as a natural function naturally aimed at impregnation. It is well-known that sperm contains hormones that make a woman feel happy. Of course you may not use a condom but the pill, for instance, but the pill also seriously ***** up your hormonal balance, possibly neutralising the positive effects of the hormones contained in the sperm. The basic fact is that a woman gets happy when there is sperm in her v****a while she is fertile. Of course that obviously points to what I've defined as the natural aim of s*x. I think the s*x drive, properly understood, is the drive toward natural impregnation (compare the phrase "artificial insemination").

    P.S.: "supposed to be fun"? No, it's supposed (intended, by Nature) to make you pregnant! Sexual pleasure is a means to that end.

  6. Unless you are married you will feel gult. God wants you to get married if you are going to have s*x.

  7. Did you o****m? Sometimes the guy finsihes too soon. I always make sure I satisfy her first.

  8. hormones maybe

  9. if you have been doubting it and you don't feel satisfied emotionally, not physically, then he is probably not the right guy.

    s*x is not just about the physical part of it.  it's very emotional.

    i know what you are going through.  i dated a guy for almost 2 years and i never felt satisfied after it.  but i ended up breaking it off because i knew he wasn't the right wasn't just the s*x.  

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