
Why do I have headache after watching TV at late night?

by  |  earlier

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Even if I read from monitor I still have headache next day.




  1. you could just have a headache from the lights or the noise just go to bed earlier or don't watch t.v. before going to bed

  2. Watching TV late at night make you hard to fall asleep. You see, when you watch TV, your concentration of course has to work harder than it does when you sleep. So, it takes time to change from being conscious to unconscious state. I would suggest you go to bed earlier about 30' or less than your usual go-to-bed time. Stay healthy!

  3. Do you watch in the dark because that could cause you eyes to repeatedly dilate and that could give you a headache or maybe you have migraines and TV sets them off of i your older then 60 you could have an aneurism.

  4. simple case of eye strain - possibly needing glasses

  5. It could be that you've been in front of the television or computer too long so you've had strain on your eyes,that can make your head hurt,that and maybe a lack of sleep,try getting less tv and more sleep. :)

  6. it might be from the light from the screens or you might be too tired. sleep instead

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