
Why do I have hives?

by Guest58751  |  earlier

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just about three days ago hives started to form on the underisde of my knee, and have spread out from there, along my leg and thigh now. My sister have the same problem too and in the same time period! I havnt made any dietary changes, there hasnt been any changes in weather, im surious as to why I have them now? And also how can i stop the itching? its killing me and i cant go tot sleep :( thanks




  1. Are you sure it isn't poison ivy? Have you tried using Cortaid or any other type of topical cream? Look at pictures online and see if it actually looks like poison ivy. It wouldn't hurt to call your doctor's office. You can describe the problem to them and they'll give you better advice on what types of treatments to try (creams, oatmeal bath, etc) , or let you know if you need to come in for an appointment.

  2. it sounds like you have allergies, or your allergic to something if you and your sister has it, this is the season for the allergies to start up, me i get them bad in sept and oct becasue of the rag weed, i want to see an allergist and got tested, i broke out in hives from being out side and the weather changing with the season, i took a benadryl so stop the itching oh it helps and it will help you sleep at night but you should bake an appointment to see your doctor about that.
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