
Why do I have insomnia after having my baby?

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My daughter is 2 weeks old and everyone tells me to sleep when the baby sleeps but this is just impossible lately. Ever since I brought her home from the hospital, I can't sleep at all. Even when she sleeps. My husband works until 6pm, comes home, and watches her so I can sleep and I end up in my room staring at the wall for hours. I tried sleeping pills but they don't work very well. Has anyone else experienced this? Why is this happening?




  1. My son is 3 weeks.  Congrats! :D

    And yes, I cant sleep well either.  Even when he goes to sleep...and I know i should snooze...I cant.  Too much to do around the house... the mind is always going, you know? :)

    And then there is the baby ok?  Is he breathing?  Check on him again.  And again.  And again!


    BUT I would say if it starts to affect you totally, like you cant function, you're getting sick from lack of sleep, etc... talk to your doctor. It wouldnt hurt.  Id say at the 6 week check up bring it up if it's still affecting you then.

    Good luck and enjoy your baby!

  2. I found it really hard to "sleep when they sleep" too.  I think I was too high strung, and anxious.  I felt like I was always on call, and had to know that everything was ok.  It is a really big change in your life so maybe you are just overwhelmed and this is how your body is handling it.  I know you likely hear this alot, but do your best to take care of yourself, and let people help you.  It really does get better, you will become more relaxed in being a mommy, and you will fall into your routine.  Try to do things that you used to do before babe came, to wind down, if you can.  It is great to have your husband to take over...really great!  good luck

  3. Congrats on your baby!  This is very normal.  I went through this after my son was born.  I was convinced that I would never sleep again.  I think a lot of it is all of the different emotions that you feel after having a baby not to mention the wacked out hormones!  I worried about SIDS terribly too.  I finally bought an angelcare monitor when my son was 9 weeks old to put under his crib.  The night I put that under his mattress was the first night in 9 weeks that I was able to go to sleep.  However, my son is almost 6 months old now, still has the SIDS monitor, but I still don't sleep as soundly or fall asleep as fast as I ever did before.  I think it is just the mommy in us!  Good luck!!

  4. Adreneline or anxiety is a popular reason.  It was the same for me especially in the hospital.  I wondered how, after the physcial event of labor, could I not be tired!?  Well it hits eventually like a ton of bricks so you will feel it soon.  

    Instead of pills, try deep breathing exercises and relaxation  Don't think about sleeping.  When your husband comes home, take a brisk walk, turn your mind to other thoughts or spend some time with a friend.  You will get back on track.  

  5. yes, I'm sorry you're going through this. i had it the first 2 times, but thankfully- not this past time. i think its a hormonal thing. i don't really have a good fix for it, i tried benedryl, wine, you name it.

    i do agree w/ the poster who said deep breathing, that is helpful. when your hormones start to level out, it should get better- but don't try to stay up to hang out w/ your husband (that's what i would try and do)and it really just made things worse. if it doesn't improve within the next week or so, you really should talk to your doc. I'm not a fan of doctors or meds- but i know how awful this is, and it needs to be fixed

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