
Why do I have lower back pain after I wake up?

by  |  earlier

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Never had this problem until 2 weeks ago. The discomfort can be quite bad; no matter how I lie down (especially if I wanna sleep longer) it's uncomfortable. And when I get up, it still hurts and the soreness stays. Any reason why and what can I do to avoid it? I din not change my beddings.




  1. Your lower back on both sides or just one? Is it around that are your kidneys are located? Are you drinking plenty of water?....

    could be a rather late sign of a UTI! Drink lots of fluids...cranberry is also very good for your kidneys.  

  2. I bin suffering  from my back and gone thru. the same kind of pain. the best thing to do is to laydown on a fetal position with a pillow betwin your leggs. try it and you will feel much beter in the morning.

  3. Your mattress might be too soft. A firm mattress provides the support your spine needs while you sleep. If you have another mattress that's newer and firmer give it a try. You might even try sleeping on the floor on a quilt or something for a few nights to see if a soft mattress is causing you pain.

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