
Why do I have my period for so long?

by  |  earlier

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All the girls in my family and all of my friends only have theirs for about 3 to 4 days.

Mine last ATLEAST 7...Sometimes 8 or 9.

I'm real thin. I don't know if that has anything to do with it.




  1. i have mine for 7-8 days too

    there's nothing you can do about it unless you want to go on birth control

  2. Oh please.

    I average about 10 days. My longest was 15.

    So don't complain.

  3. Sometimes some people have longer periods than others. This is quite normal. So... I don't think that there is anything to be worried about. But you can always go to a doctor.

    Note: If your period is this long since you mature (your first, second... period, etc), then I think you are OK. But it has been like this recently, then you should see a doctor... (there may be a problem then)

  4. Your period lasts for about a week.

    If it doesn't stop and keeps continuing, something's wrong. My friend had her period for too long and her mom was worried but it ended. My mom had to get surgery for this years ago: her's lasted for over a month.

  5. Your actually supposed to have a period 7-10 days. Your totally normal,if you hate it to much then you can go to a gyno and get on the pill or shot but expect some weight gain.

    Good Luck

  6. i usually have mine 6-7 days no more than that tho....u should ask a doctor

  7. the average is 5-7 days. I think it's fine, it's probably just really light at the end right?

  8. go to the doc and request birth helps a ton! i had the same prob and now im fine.

  9. That's normal. Three is not normal.

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