
Why do I have such a conflict about this?

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The Great Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), from what I understand, had many wives, and one of them was only 11 years of age. Now I come from a very religious family and I attend the Masjid for prayers daily, but why did the Prophet have so many wives (PBUH), did He (PBUH) not get over the last one? Astagfarallah for me saying this, but did He (PBUH) ever feel love for the last one? My faith is strong, but as I learn more about my religon of Islam, i begin to see more thing i dont understand. Please someone help me.




  1. He loved all his wives.

    Your faith isn't very strong. I have been on every anti islamic website, had discussions, read so many things, and then I picked up the Qur'an and read it. I found a load of errors on the anti-islamic sites. I have come a long way in my faith, and if you ever don't understand anything about Islam, then I request that you ask a learned alim or even come to yahoo answers instead of worrying. I used to be like you. I don't come from a particularly religious family. Now, I know my religion inside out and am happy for it.

    You say' My faith is strong, but as I learn more about my religon of Islam, i begin to see more thing i dont understand. Please someone help me.'

    Well, let me say if you don't understand anything, just ask us.

  2. Mate she was actually 9 according to the most authentic hadiths/

  3. one of the reasons why our beloved was ordered to have so many wives is becaue there was an example set of how to deal with different types of women...from old to young, rich and poor,widowed and divorced. he hadge to show that marrying a divorced woman for example was ok and a good thing to do.

    our rassol saw also needed people to carry on and remember this message and sunnah. so te more wives he had, the more chance of the ummah remembering his sunnah. if he had only one wife, what if she forgot or died; important information wud of been lost.

    and thats why one of the wisdoms behind marrying the young girl around 11, is that she would asorb all the sunnah and be able to teach the ummah long afer hes death. as we all know young children asorb information alot quicker than adults.

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