
Why do I have such a need to shop - I am not depressed?

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I find myself buying so much clothes and shoes that I never even wear. I have nice work clothes and casual clothes and I find myself wearing sloppy things and not putting any effort into my look even though I have many choices. I spend way too much money and feel that I must have so much clothes and many shoes. I seem to become obsessed with buying something in many different varieties and can't stop. My clothes just go to waste really and stay in my closet.




  1. This sounds like an addictive process to me.  First because of the compulsive nature of it and secondly because it seems like your self esteem is suffering.  I could be wrong, but I base this on your statement about not wearing them or caring about your appearance.  Seriously, you should consider getting a psych evaluation because if it is an anxiety disorder like OCD, or hoarding (clothes instead of animals) it will only get worse without medication and therapy.  Are you certain you are not depressed?  I know that sometimes people who use drugs or alcohol sometimes don't know they are depressed because they kill the pain with drugs.  Are you killing pain with clothes?   Google shopping addiction and see if it fits.  Good luck  

  2. I guess you got lot more of money than you have b.... .

    maybe it's a psychological disorder. you need to go to a psychologist. or at least read some good books.  

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