
Why do I have such a negative outlook at such a young age?

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I just don't feel good about myself or my life. I don't have a particularly bad life, but I just don't feel like I should be who I am. I try to be unique and have fun and I'm the "white black girl" and I try to live my life the way I want and my parents want full control. It's just taking its toll on me. I think I might be depressed, but my parents would never let me go to therapy. I think they would be too ashamed of me and they don't want to admit to failure. So they continue to control and criticize and I continue to feel worse. I just don't like who I am. I want to be in love and have someone love me, not because I'm your daughter/sister and you feel that you have to, but I want someone (ie family or a guy) who loves me for me and makes me feel great. I don't think I'll ever find that. I don't think anyone will ever love me and I feel like I'll always be alone. I also feel that my parents spend so much time trying to shelter me, that when I finally get that freedom, I'll fail. I just don't think I have a very bright future. What do I do? How can I feel better?




  1. you poor girl. at your age the world is your oyster. its up to you to make the right choices in life. now is the time! dont be like me probably twice your age and still.......still not doing nothing great in life.

  2. you fail at life  

  3. Ms.Gab(something)

    Life isn't perfect, and Id find it certainly racist and inhuman if someone defines you as (black white girl or so)

    I'm sure your parents are being what they are, most parent are afraid that their children would pass the bad experiences they have seen,

    no, I'm not just a guy who likes talking, I'm 14 an arab and a muslim, I know what racism is, I've seen , I fight it sometimes, I live with it sometimes, my father died young, i don't remember him, but i know enough about parents,

    I hope that you take a grip of your life, I can't advise you less than to sympathies your parents' feelings and imagine yourself playing their roles, as for outer society that's like the battleground, you can achieve peace but it's not going to be easy, If you're suffering racism in school or so, I'm more than sure that the local community would be more than happy to help..

    I do not know the details of your life, so I cant say much else than "hang in there".

    Good luck

    Timmy, UK

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