
Why do I have such horrible knee pains?

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I've been in soccer for about eight or nine years and nothing has ever bothered me, but since about two years ago my knees hurt so bad. I even have to wear a knee brace now when i go running or to my soccer practices and games. Anyhow, it sometimes hurts just to walk on it, even to the point where i sometimes just fall to the ground. I am only thirteen and i think i am too young to be having knee problems already. Any ideas?




  1. these are probably growth pains, made worse by your high activity level.  there is always a chance its something more serious, but talking with your doctor is a good idea.

  2. Assuming you haven't awkwardly twisted your knee (in which case you need to see a doctor and strengthen your legs), you probably just have growing pains (which can suck) or bursitis (Basically, the joint isn't well oiled). If you want you can check the mayo clinic online to read more about bursitis, but judging by your age, I'd say growing pains.  

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