
Why do I have these strange eating habits?

by  |  earlier

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My boyfriend and take our lunch break in our car at work everyday and I won't eat unless talk radio is on (not music).

When we're eating dinner, I wait until we find something to watch on TV before I eat. I won't start to eat until the commercials are over.

I don't eat breakfast at home in the morning, I bring it to work and eat at my desk while I work or listen to the radio, again not eating during commercial breaks.

Is there a name for this? I don't know why but I have always had "requirements" before I eat something. I only noticed recently when my boyfriend commented on it.

Any help is apprciated!




  1. Sounds like an obsessive behavior to me.  

    If it interferes with your life you might consider seeing a therapist but it sounds innocent enough.  You would eat without a TV or radio if you were locked in a cage and starving to death, right? If you HAD to you could?  

  2. i think its like a secure thing you got yourself into like a foundation of your life and its just hard to brake it not the worst habbit though  

  3. try to do something different everyday to effect you're habit.  

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