
Why do I have this mind block?

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Since 2005 I have had this weird thing going on in my mind. I used to love writing, I could write for hours be it an essay or a story it didn't matter I had so many ideas and could just write and write. I also loved listening to music and watching movies. I loved walking, I would go out after work everyday and spend at least 90mins walking around where I live or driving to the big parks near me and walking around and may be even sketching/painting the scenery on some days.

But I have no interest in any of it anymore. I can't think when I try and write, it's like my brain has stopped working. I just go to work, come home eat and go to bed everyday. If I put on music/films it just annoys me and I have to turn it off, I get bored if I try going on my walks even if I try new places and end up getting annoyed with myself and coming home. I have been like this for 3 yrs and I don't know why. I just have no interest in anything anymore. What's wrong with me? I want to be my old self but it's like my mind won't let me.




  1. Don't worry.

    You will start writing, as you temporarily stoped it. You mind is observing things.


  2. Aww, I sympathise with you.

    I find, when I write or draw, I usually have to be in a certain mindset. There's no particular way I can put myself into that frame of mind, but for me, it tends to happen in the late hours of the night/early hours of the morning. And when the creative mood hits, I NEED to be doing something. Be it a drawing of a personal hero of mine, little doodles with hidden meanings, short stories, or my personal favourite as of late, poetry.

    I can never create the mood or state of mind needed to do something creative. If I do force myself to do so, it tends to be longer before I have this artistic urge again, and the work I've forced myself to do is rubbish anyways. But it does tend to be at night, and when I feel a bit sad and blue. I think, it's just when and where the inspiration takes you.

    Although years is a much bigger space of time. I suggest you start easing your way into creative and artistic tasks. Do little doodles when you're bored (trust me, this REALLY breaks down writer's block). Read a chapter of a book a day. Something I've found particularly helpful is to keep a diary. It gets you into the rota can quickly swing you back into writing. I don't know how or even if it relates, but I also like to go for a walk around in the local area. It just clears my mind of any trouble, gets the blood flowing.

    Don't worry about it, hun. There's nothing wrong with you at all, it's just an extensive writers block. You'll be fine, I guarantee. But if you do fancy a longer chat, I've left my msn at the bottom. =)

  3. you may have depression. not the feeling depression (ie, i am sad. i am bored), but you could have mental depression disorder. it effects a part of your brain, which will cause you to feel unconfident, bored and maybe even suicidal in some cases. you can see your doctor who will give you anti-depression pills. you don't even need to have an upsetting event in your life to occur, your life can be perfect and it comes as a mental disease.

  4. Tony Robbins! I have not though about him in years. I bought his motivational course in the late 1980s and followed it step by step. It was hard but I did it.

    He does not promise miracles but you will be introduced to a new person. Yourself. And you will learn how you got to to where you are today and how to get to where you want to be.

    Well that sounds like enough for a commercial, but his course really helped me move ahead in my life.


  5. it sounds like your making to much out of the ability to write or not. if you want to write first you start by getting a journal and talk about what you did that day. i also believe that would make want to do much more with your day. and maybe relieve so of this depression or stress!

  6. I too felt something similar with my writing the past two years; until last week. I found a website site that revived my creativity and interest in writing. Check it out. I hope it helps you. Good luck to you.

    P.S. I'm Thinkin8 on the site.

  7. With over 10,000 point on Yahoo it don't sound like a writer's block to me. But you keep mentioning I, me, myself.

    Now I am not a psychologist and I don't even play one on TV, but my answer to you is to ask yourself, "Who am I sharing my life with?"

    If your relationships are off kilter, your life will be off kilter.

    You may need help to push you in the right direction but I don't believe you need anti depressants at this time.

    Go to this website and check it out.

    This guy is one of the best motivational speakers going and you can get a home course for a few hundred dollars. A lot cheaper than a therapist.

    Note: This is for people who just got off track in life (what I believe you did)  and not for people who are severely depressed.


  8. The trouble with lethargy is it feeds and perpetuates itself.  That is to say the more I sit and do nothing, the more I feel like sitting and doing nothing.

    So perhaps you have to kickstart yourself again or find some new more interesting/stimulating interests or you are pondering bigger questions.

  9. Maybe there is no Heaven. Or maybe this is all pure gibberish - a product of the demented imagination of a lazy drunken hillbilly with a heart full of hate who has found a way to live out where the real winds blow - to sleep late, have fun, get wild, drink whisky, and drive fast on empty streets with nothing in mind except falling in love and not getting arrested...

  10. wow the same thing has happened to me over the past few years too, i know how you feel. i guess what i've tried to do is understand what might be causing the issues and then try your utmost to address them; however hard that may seem. Are you feeling depressed.. as it turned out, i was and still am. People say to talk about it, and almost pout you to a point where you are being forced to tell of your affliction. IN essence, do what is comfortable for you, the thing that you will strongly beilve will clear your psyche. Because, in the end what is currently affecting you is a psychological thing and can be helped by doing what you feel comfortable and effective, to get rid of it. Perhaps express yourself in different ways. Just try different thigs to get you brain to realise that you don't want this. If worst comes to worst, see a GP

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