
Why do I have to be a stick?

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I'm 15. I have a lot of guy friends. And this may sound conceded but I'm in the higher social class at my school. But when it comes to dating guys its always the same this " You have a really pretty face; Your personality is amazing ;You have a gorgeous smile" But I'm not skinny. And its not like I'm lazy, I play for my schools softball team and Basketball. And both teams play well. I just don't get it.

And now, my two best friends are going out with people from other schools. And that's just something i can not do because of my weight and that's all that I'll ever been seen as. But now they are always out with there boys and I'm left in the dark.

What should I do.


I have had boyfriends but all they want is me to put out and I seem to have a rep. for that. But i don't know why, I'm still fully a virgin.




  1. I wish I could tell you that everything is going to be ok, but I'm afraid it will not. I was the chunky girl in my school and it happened to me. School is so hard for the chunky girl or the geek or the poor kid or anyone that's different.

    I also wish I could tell you that just being yourself will make everything ok, but I can't. Save yourself. Do yourself a big favor and go to the gym, but get help. Ask your mom or dad, maybe someone that you trust a teacher or coach and ask them to help with  workout program and diet to help. Just tell them your looking to get in shape but you need some help.

    I hate to be so straight forward, but 3 weeks ago I noticed just how chunky my youngest was getting and now we are going to the gym together. Of course she just thinks it's time with mom, but I know if I don't do this for her she will be there one day also.

    So please don't wait for things to get better, help yourself and for heaven's sake don't try to do it alone.  

  2. well, just be yourself. don't change for anyone. that is the worst advice. though it is cliche, beauty is in the beholder. but if you are very self conscious about your weight, just do 50 push ups or so everyday. not a big deal. or dance to the radio with friends. dont let anybody put you down.  

  3. Don't put out for guys who only want you to put out. Soon enough you'll find a guy who wants you for who you are, regardless. I mean really, losing your virginity is overrated anyways.

    Besides, if you make them wait (even just a bit) longer for s*x, then you'll see who just wants s*x and who wants you for you.

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