
Why do I have to be perfect?

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It seems every guy I like is into the super skinny and preppy girls. I'm not super skinny, I'm not a prep. And I need someone who will like me for me. Why do guys have to be such douche-baggs?




  1. I have no idea girl... That question, we may never know. I'm guessing it's because tv and everything out to be that super skinny girls are what every girl should look like. I think you can get toned, and in great shape. Come back to those same guys looking your absolute BEST to where their mouths drop open, and they regret rejecting you. Ask them if they're still interested... If they say yes, tell them sorry you only date body builders, or guys with muscles... or something like that... Show them how it feels.

    But really not allll guys are like that. They are just rare, and really hard to find. Some guys even go through the same thing. Either they aren't as in shape as the other guys, and are a little bigger, OR they're too skinny and can't put on muscle to attract girls. If you don't want to try my first idea, which I really wish you would (because those guys need a taste of their own medicine), you can wait for that guy to come to you.

    Hope this helped a little. Good Luck!

  2. that's because they're stupid jerks

    you have to wait until they grow up

    THEN you can find a decent guy

  3. Oh, I agree! I've yet to meet a guy who hits on the girls who aren't perfect or who don't put out so much.

    Let me give you a sort of example - if you need to find the perfect, uh... shirt for a special occasion, you shop around, don't you? It's the same with guys. Go look around and you're sure to meet someone.

    I'm not skinny or preppy either. And guys are certainly idiots when it comes to girls. It's not the looks that matter - it's what's inside, and I'm not talking about ribs that poke out everywhere. I mean the person's personality. Guys need to consider this before they label girls.

    Good luck "shopping around"! =]

  4. Not every guy is like that. Just guys that cares about looks and are superficial. Why would you like them? Is it even worth it?

    I am not skinny, not prep, nothing like the typical guy's dream girl. I dont get any attention from any guy at all. At the end of the day, the skeleton girls in a mini skirt gets their attention. Therefore, i dont even make friends, or care to notice boys who think like that. I want a man. A man is someone who appreciate a lady, respect her, and gets to know her who she is, not how she looks like. A person is beautiful when their beautiful soul shines through. I met so many skinny girls who are ugly because of their attitude.

    Skinny is not healthy, if they starve themselves and do not exercise. It is a very sick world we live in, looking like a skeleton is beautiful? I am sorry but if i was a guy, i would not want to be holding hands with skeletons, we can even hug, i might break her bones. As people starving and not having a healthy diet, the bones and muscles loose their firm foundation and it make you look old and loose it's strenght. How much make ups you need to fake your beauty.I dont believe in the usage of harmful chemical to fake how you really look like. All nature, just the way you age. I believe when people are happy, you shine and you look younger and happier.

    You want to be healthy and happy. I suggest you open your eyes and think. Is it even worth it thinking about guys like that? As i said, i am not skinny, i am normal, and i am a lil chubby, but i am very healthy and i exercise very regularly and i do have a boyfriend. He loves how i look like, and he loves me being a lil chubby. He would always say "i dont want to be hugging a stick, and that i can keep him warm."

    My point is, you should just be happy with how you look like and find a guy who cares to get to know you for who you are. You should not change yourself for others. You go find yourself a good man that love you for you.

    =) Good luck.

  5. My motto: Let @holes be @holes and douche bags be douche bags! That is until they grow up! Are they preppy or super skinny?

  6. Oh pumkin, just be You!!  DON'T try to be perfect because NONE of us are.  And the ones that seem perfect usually have more problems because they are so busy worring about looking as if they are perfect. And as for the guys being douche-baggs they are trained to be that Thank goodness not all learn that leason!!!  There are many good men out there that will love you more for just being yourself.  You know they say good things come to those who wait so trust me you will find one that will be right for you.    

  7. be happy with yourself and in this way will accept u others too :) smile, be positive, this is the most attractive thing. people, not only guys that care only for the way u look, don't really worth it any kind of attention :D good luck and cheer up!

  8. exactly, thats why you need to love your body and embrace it. and dont change your style for anyone. if they dont like you the way you are well then too bad for them., just because girls are not toothpick skinny they make their self esteems lower and lower because "guys only like skinny gurls" wrong, there are some guys out there that like their gurls to be thick and actually have a fatty. but girls arent the only ones going trough this. some over wieght guys are like this too, and the ones with acne everyone is affected by this sterotype.

  9. maybe their just insecure in themselves i dont know but i know some guys like that :/

  10. Nobody is or has to be perfect, but keeping our bodies in good shape makes us more attractive, it's a sign of self respect and caring of our health.

  11. well, those guys are probably pervs, lol, those type of guys will never hang around the girl for too long,

    be a bit more social and find some guy friends. and dont hope for the love in 1st sight, build some relationship and be patient

  12. its just a race for guys to get the bes of the best girls and come on its not like girls dnt see guys for who we are but who you can turn us in to?

  13. cause they are idiots. period.  

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