
Why do I have to be treated like 'retarded'?

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I had been bullied so badly at school so far and my school days were just like I had spent so many tough days, since I had then no friends to get along with, yes they all were not going to have any talk with me when they found out as I had a funny and high pitched voice, though I am a 18 year old boy. I'd then had a feeling like I sort of really wanted to skip the class, or wanted to quit my schooling, but was not able to tell my parents about being taken as a 'retarded person' among everyone. It was so bad since I was even told that I could be sort of severe depression.

After my schooling was over I have still even had a feeling as 'I might be made fun of, or might be so biased when someone heard my speaking.' Plus I've started to see so many nightmares lately though I don't want to, and they are all the ones that I am always bullied. So I am not in a good shape and am exhausted all the time. :::(




  1. because maybe you are but dont worry  its not your fault

  2. Well if you ask me, I think that kids that are acting like that are acting like babies.  Cause between classes that is time to go use the restroom then get yourself a drink and go to your locker and do your business at your locker like getting your textbook for your next class, and keep your book from your last class  if you have any homework.

  3. I understand your pain.  Many of us (so called "normal") rarely behave with empathy.

    If you can, see a counsellor.  What about your old school teachers?  May be some one will be able to give you some tips.

    Easier said, but don't let others depress you.  Everybody (and you) has unique qualities and strengths.  Life is challenging.  As you get into adult life, you will see lesser bullies.  You will come across people who would value you for what you are,

    All the best,

    And here's a poem by James Kavanaugh.  Hope you enjoy it.

    "There are men too gentle to live among wolves

    Who prey upon them with IBM eyes

    And sell their hearts and guts for martinis at noon.

    There are men to gentle for a savage world

    Who dream instead of snow and children and Halloween

    And wonder if the leaves will change their color soon.

    There are men to gentle to live among wolves

    Who anoint them for burial with greedy claws

    And murder them for a merchant's profit and gain.

    There are men to gentle for a corporate world

    Who dream instead of Easter eggs and fragrant grass

    And pause to hear the distant whistle of a train.

    There are men to gentle too live amount wolves

    Who devour them with appetite and search

    For other men to prey upon and such their childhood dry.

    There are men to gentle for an accountant's world

    Who dream instead of Easter eggs and fragrant grass

    And search for beauty in the mystery of the sky.

    There are men to gentle too live among wolves

    Who toss them like a lost and wounded dove

    Such gentle men are lonely in a merchant's world

    Unless they have a gentle one to love."

  4. focus on your d**n work 4get them with out education you go nowhere at all then u will really be picked on

  5. some suggestions:

    build more self esteem, don't let the bullies get to you. they will keep pushing you around until you stop it yourself. don't let their words get to you. build the right attitude and have some courage.

    gain respect by doing things better than they can like sports or some job or do well in computers, do better on tests, prove that you are more intelligent than they are

    take a singing class so maybe you could speak in a lower pitch or maybe make your voice sound cool instead of weird to other people

    say you had an accident while you were young and had your throat operated and now you are stuck with high pitch voice.

  6. Is there a reason behind your voice being the way it is.

    If there is ask a speech path if it would be possible to get therapy so you sound more like a boy.

  7. Those with disabilities seem to eventually be able to find a hidden strength inside that allows them to go on and to succeed. Learn to like yourself and be proud of who you are. Everyone has much to offer if they only look deep. If you ever need a friend you can email me. : )

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