
Why do I have to beg my hubby to change a diaper?

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Ok ladies...whats up with men wiggiling out of grossness? Even when my kido pukes I have to clean up everything and even change the sheets. Im not understanding why men think its not their job. Up till recently I was a full time working momma and I still had to do all the child cleaning stuff. Honestly if I let my hubby bathe my child he would prob. come out with oreos all over his face. Do you ladies have the same issues and if any men can suggest a way to coherse a man into helping with cleaning up a child.




  1. Eek...sorry to hear that.

    Never had that problem with my husband - he was pretty good about diaper duty.  (Actually, he's a great dad in general.)

    Maybe the guys who don't want to change diapers get away with it because the people in their lives let them get away with it?  (About the guy who would drive his kid over to grandma's house to let grandma change the diaper...that's ridiculous, and grandma should have put a stop to that right away!)

  2. its usually because they think they can get away with it. often times women think that men wont do as good of a job as they would so the guys see that as a way out of doing stuff.

  3. That's the way the cookie crumbles. About 3 years ago my hubby and I made a deal, I do diapers and he wipes big kid bottoms ( I was pregnant and even the thought of wiping my potty training would put me into convulsions) This seems to work for us. I don't really mind diapers that much now that I know there will be an end soon and I will be in the clear long before he is. I still do all the vomit though, quite often this includes getting it off myself as I am the primary cuddler in the house.

  4. I think a lot of it is because they know we want it done our way (I am guilty of this), but don't want to be bossed on how to do it. So they just figure it is easier if they let us, because it gets done the way we want it, and we don't have to expend energy nagging. My husband has been more than willing to change diapers, clean urp, help with laundry--but the changing of sheets, or pre-treating pooped-in clothes, that's my job. As is clipping fingernails and booger-sucking (ewwwww).

    If you want him to help, ask for it. Talk to HIM and ask him why he leaves the messes for you. It may be that he doesn't feel competent, or he thinks he is balancing out in other areas (mowing the lawn, cleaning outdoors, etc.) Or he mightjust be oblivious. It's better for you to talk to him and get it in the open--men are not mind-readers.

  5. It's just a guy thing.. men evolved like that. Hate to be so technical but the men have always worked and it was always the women who did the housework and took care of the kids.

  6. I can relate. The only thing that I could advise is tricking your husband into doing the cleaning and leaving him no choice. To get my husband to change his first poopy diaper, I asked him (while washing dishes)," Could you please change her diaper I'm busy right now", later I hear him screaming " Help me!" and I yelled back "NO".

    I left him no choice, I didn't even go in there to make sure he did a good job. I just wanted him to do it on his own. Of course when he wasn't looking I went and made sure she was 100% clean and he did a great job and has been doing the poopy duties ever since.

    There will be a time when he has no choice. Trust me

  7. Here's why I didn't want to do it (but I do anyway) (and am better at it than my wife) 1)  I thought it was gross. 2) I knew she would be more efficient at it. (why would you get the 90 year old man to rake the yard when the 18 year old is standing right there?) it's a guy thing, we hate inefficiency.

    That being said, after I changed my first diaper (baby was about 4 days old) I realized I am much quicker an he doesn't fuss as much. When my wife changes she has to wipe every crevasse 3 times and booty goo and whatever else, by the time she's done he's not happy. I change him like he's at a pit stop in a race and make the sounds to go along with it. (yeah, he loves it. and I wipe him clean and slap some goo on too.)

    Sorry to say, there's no sure fire way to get your husband to do it. every guy is different when it comes to child rearing. try just sitting down with him and saying "Joe" you son of a .... no, just kidding....say look, when you don't help me it makes me feel like I'm raising this child on my own and frankly it's starting to bother me. don't you want to be part of everything or are you just waiting for the good stuff?"

    If that doesn't work bribe him with s*x.

  8. My hubby wont change a diaper unless he absolutly has to and he will not if he has just eaten and trust me I wouldnt want him too because I would be cleaning up after 2 if that were the case. But its just simply because men do not have a strong stomach when it comes to that kind of stuff. And that is comming from my husband. Its just something to do with the smell.

  9. girl i hear you.  my son is 15 months and my baby father has never changed his diaper.  when he had him during the day he will acutually drive to his mothers or have a friend change him.  i don't know why he is so weird about changing the diaper however he refuses and i have just had enough of the arrguing about it, it doesn't even bother me anymore..  the only thing he will do is sometimes feed him, play, and disipline.  he belive that the mother is the one who takes care of the child as far as baths, cooking, diapers, when he is sick and the dad is the one that enforces the rules and brings home his milk and food.  and my son knows this, when he is out of milk he will say dadadada mi mi mi..... it is cute however i would sure like some help sometimes.  i am a working mother and have been since he was born so i guess i don't do most of it during the day however im tired to at night and i just don't get a break... ok im done bi**hing..... i love my role and i love what i do!!!! good luck!!!!

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