
Why do I have to keep dragging her to court again and again its a court order?

by  |  earlier

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I had 2 court orders close this past Friday in NC,Ive paid for 18 years,My ex was ordered to pay me child support,she owes me $5700 arrears,been to court numerous times.Last recieved $1.43 in Feb.2008.BS right.Paid $198 a week for 18 yrs.Xs 2.She not only recieved her child support but the other 198.00 as well and cashed them knowing thats not the order.Child support knows the order so now what,alresdy contacted them,who is she doing to get away with this HELP




  1. Well, she can always be put in jail if you can get a judge to write an order.  The judge also needs to sign an order to garnish her wages to pay the child support.  Unfortunately, if the parent isn't working and/or isn't filing taxes, it's really hard to confiscate any money, so the alternative is to have her put into jail.  Once she is in arrears by a certain amount, then a felony warrant can be issued and she can go to prison for failure to pay.

    You might want to check with your county attorney's office to see if it's possible to seize any assets she has, so they can be sold to pay the back child support.

    In any case, I feel for you.  I'm in the same situation with the parents of my grandchild, of whom I have custody.

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