
Why do I have to wait 6 weeks for s*x?

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I had a c-section more than two weeks ago. I never went into labor and my cervix was never dilated, they got my daughter out because I had to much fluid in my stomach. I don't understand why I need to wait 6 weeks to have s*x now. Does anyone know why? And would it kill me to have s*x?




  1. No girl, it won't kill you.  I had three boys (2 natural, one C-Section,) and I never waited the full six weeks.  And I'm fine.  I never understood why either.

  2. Well, I'm probably not the right person to ask, since I didn't follow that rule.  :)

    (2 c-sections - only waited a week after each one.  I just made sure not to get into any position that would put too much pressure/strain on my abdomen.  I personally never had a idea how common it is for other women to have complications from it?)

  3. it wont kill you but your insides do have to heal c section or not. your uterus did alot of work the  past nine months. plus you dont  want to go back in pregnant again. these next couple of months to a year is your most fertile time

  4. Actually, this varies from doctor to doctor.  

    I was told that it was ok as soon as the bleeding had stopped, as long as there was no discomfort.  Other doctors even say to wait 8 weeks.  

    Part of the reason to wait is that, even though you didn't have a vaginal birth and didn't dilate, you do still have a wound in your uterus.  Your cervix is likely open enough to potentially introduce bacteria into the uterus, which could impact your incision and the place where the placenta was attached.  

    Obviously, it's always best to take the advice of your doctor, but do some research and read the pros and cons. See what you think for yourself, then do (or don't do) what you think is right for you.

  5. it wont kill you but it might be a little uncomfortable.

  6. No, it won't kill you, but you need the extra time to let your body heal. And especially with a C-Section, this is still a major surgery. I have no idea how much your husband weighs; however, 2 weeks is just a bit early to have someone bouncing away in bed. Your incision needs time to heal and you do not need to take any unnecessary chances with your health this early after the birth of your child. There are rare instances in which you may be subseptible to bacteria or virus and because practically everything passes through the breast milk, I personally would not want to chance it.

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