
Why do I have white worms in my v****a?

by  |  earlier

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  1.  im 13 and i've had them 5 or 6 times as well.

    dont be afraid to tell your parents, they will only want to help you.

  2.  it is pinworms, and you need to go to the doctor to kill the worms, dont worry it isnt serious just a nuisance 20% of woman get pinworms, so you are not alone

  3. im 13 and im scared wat my mum will say when i tell her. Where can i get the medicine from? xx

  4. I have them aswell im 13 and am really embarassed to tell my mum this is the 5th time ! why wont they go away after i take the medicine

  5. i have them aswell. they are pin worms, will not harm you but will multiply and spread.
    i'd suggest telling your mum or dad as everyone gets them at some stage.
    If it is pin worms they will give you some medication to take that will make them go away.

    Chances are, your parents have had them too.

  6. umm, i have them too and i 11 but im too scared to tell my mum

  7. umm, i have them too and i 11 but im too scared to tell my mum

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