
Why do I keep dreaming of a tidal wave ?

by Guest32718  |  earlier

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I don't usually remember my dreams, but i have this particular dream so often that its stayed in my head.

All the dreams are not exactly the same, but the always involve a very towering, quite impressive tidal wave (heck probably even unnaturally huge). I mean big, like in the movie "Day After Tomorrow."

In one of the dreams it ended with me standing on the roof of my house and looking up at the wave. It was a strange experience, the crest was passing over my head, but the body of the wave had not fallen on me yet.

In the last one, it ended with my dad driving us (the whole family) up a hill with the wave just under us. (it had already passed over our house this time).

I don't live anywhere near where the tsunami's took place, in fact I live in the Caribbean.

Heck even my father had a dream like this. In his he was stuck on the bridge to get out of town, trying to reach us but the wave as already to close.

Um, my father is at retirement age, and I finishing up college, after which, we both hope, i'll get into university.




  1. Try cutting down on fluids, the Weather Channel, and CNN before bedtime!

  2. Tidal Wave

    To see a tidal wave in your dream, represents an overwhelming emotional issue that demands attention. You may have been keeping your feelings and negative emotions bottled up inside.

      This is from Dream Moods online dream dictionary. Then look up each thing like..... Roof.....Father....etc...

  3. I agree with jchopsebay. Maybe there is some sort of tidal wave coming for your area. What's the weather like right now? Maybe you should go see a psychologist. Life is too short to not know the joys of being with a woman.  

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