
Why do I keep feeling so sad out of nowhere?

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Sometimes I just start feeling really depressed. I don't want to talk, I don't want to smile, I just want to worry about things I haven't been able to do and things I have yet to get done. This morning, I woke up that way and all day long, I've been really quiet and kind of moody. I don't want to upset anyone else around me, but I know they're noticing that I'm not talking at all. My mom's been asking what's wrong and why I'm not smiling, but I don't really have anything to tell her. I'm a teen girl who's also having problems with eating, so I know that it's sometimes the reason. I don't want to be like this anymore! How do I change and what's wrong with me now?




  1. I would like to ask that this post be removed, as I am the 'real' Alexander Moentjens and I definitely did not write it! (nor am I a teen or a girl for that matter)

    Dear webmaster, please remove this post asap.

    Many thanks in advance.

  2.  Hi, Well this could happend to older people too, also it happend to girls/boys. try to fill your time with usefull somthing, or try to get somthing that let you have responsibility ( like for example get some fishes, or birds, and have all responsibility to clean, feed, take care of them).

    Try to go out with your friends more, or try to talk to your family more and share them with your secrets.

    Try to make a list of all what you want to do or Wish to do, and start to do and finish this list ( even if it take from you 10 years or more) just start it, and when you get finished from one, pleave me you will feel much better.

    you such a great one, that want every thing to be perfect, so if you done or had somthing that is not perfect, that also get you upset and a bad mood, but try to control your mind to take it easy more and more.

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