
Why do I keep gaining weight?

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I gained about 5 pounds in 5 days...I don't understand I've been eating right and exercising what is going on Please help me someone




  1. yes... more info. you could be eating too few calories. you could be under a lot of stress. if you're still eating late at night then you're diet can backfire. and the previous answer was right too, if you're a girl you're going to flexuate 5lbs through out the month.

    find out how many calories you should get in the day for your current weight then cut those by 500.

    get plenty of sleep and water.

    keep up on your exercising, 3-5 times a week 45-60 minutes of cardio.

    get rid of the boxed meals and meals full of preservatives.

    get rid of soda's and flavored waters (even diet)

    eat more vegies and fruits.

    check out they've got a lot of great tips, bmi calculators, weight tracker, exercise tracker, and more for free.

  2. I need more information to answer your question. What do you eat, how do you exercise, etc. A pound a day is quite a bit to gain. Maybe it's just water weight (I don't know if you're male or female, but if you're a girl, it could be that menstruation about ready to happen). But try not to worry about small day-to-day gains and losses. Only weigh yourself once a week or so.  

  3. I don't know why you gained some much in so little time.

    It could be because the weight machine is not balanced and it gave you wrong numbers.

    Some women gain weight (like 5 lbs) before their period starts and then lose it after their period ends.

    People with hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid gland) gain lot of weight like you are doing.

    Symptoms of hypothyroidism.

    Fatigue, Depression, Modest weight gain, Cold intolerance, Excessive sleepiness, Dry, coarse hair, Constipation, Dry skin, Muscle cramps, Increased cholesterol levels, Decreased concentration, Vague aches and pains, Swelling of the legs

  4. it depends on what ur eating if its a high protein diet then that might be the problem. try lowering the protein.

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