I just recently started taking birth control pills to regulate my hormones and I have found that ever since then I have not been able to drink any alcohol without getting sick. I am not a big drinker, but I like to go out and have a beer with my friends every now and then. It seems as if every time I have even just one beer I get sick to my stomach. This never used to happen to me. I could drink a pretty good amount of alcohol and not even be hungover the next day.
I keep a pretty healthy diet and I drink LOTS of water everyday. Nothing else has changed besides me being put on birth control, so I feel like its safe to say that I have been getting sick because the pill is making me more susceptible to the hangover affect of alcohol.
One of my friends suggested that if I am thinking about drinking, I should take Milk Thistle before I do so. Would this help in the event of a night at the bars? I have done some research and I do know that milk thistle can impact the effectiveness of the pill.