
Why do I keep having dreams about this person?

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I had this dream the other night. I'm at the school where I used to work. This man who I work with comes up to me and starts hugging me. We stand there for quite some time and he softly whispers in my ear how glad he is to see me.

Later on, we go outside and for some weird reason we put his little dog on some rollerskates and make it go up and down the road. I get bored (would so in real life!) and lay down in the grass. He looks at me and says "You really like me, huh" and kneels down beside me. He is just about to kiss me and make love to me, but then unfortunately my clockradio beeped and I woke up.

And lately I keep having dreams where he is somehow involved. Can't remember them all, but the recurring theme is that I try to get to talk and be with him, but something always comes up between us




  1.    I noticed if you keep thinking about something you'll dream about it.  For example, your question.  If you try to not think about it so much, you'll probably stop having that dream.

  2. The dreams suggest you are attracted to this man and there is definitely sexual tension between the two of you.  However, you have some questions about pursuing the relationship probably out of fear o rejection.    I would wonder if there is not something about him that you find boring which would not be a good sign for to begin the relationship.

  3. Respect and/or Chemistry.  Your paths will cross.

  4. you probably just want his approval in real life or the approval of who or what he represents, even if you don't know it.  Or maybe you miss having him in your life, as a friend, maybe he even represents something that satisfied you while you were working there; like the interactions with your co-workers, or job satisfaction.

  5. Well maybe yu like him or yu just have a few feelings for him and if something keeps poppin up then may be he is nt the one for yu

  6. he must also be dreaming about u.

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