
Why do I keep having dreams like this?

by  |  earlier

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I can't remember he said, but they all seemed pretty friendly to me compared to how they were in the film. Anyways, I exchanged goodbyes with them and hopped off the bus. I was back outside the dinner party, I peaked in through the door and glanced over at my former best friend, he was sitting with these ESL students and talking about how he plans to go to Disneyworld soon. The next day in the dream, I was walking through a shopping mall which was connected to the dinner party room. It seemed pretty expansive for a mall. When I got to the exit, there were hundreds of school buses outside with hordes of high school kids lining up and I sort of got lost.

Then I woke up. What's everyone think? The part that gets me the most is that drunk feeling every time I wake up from one of these dreams. Mind you I do not drink. Looking for serious replies. Thanks.




  1. Lay off the cocaine.

  2. In my personal experience with dreams, they are a way for our subconcious to work out problems that we didn't have time to work out during the day.  The come about very different from what the original problem is.  However, I also believe that dreams are ways of gathering important information that we are seeking.  I strongly believe in dreams and them trying to tell us something important about ourselves or our lives.  Pay attention to what is being said and done.  And pay special attention to how you feel when you wake up.  That drunk feeling may be trying to tell you just how important the dream actually is or you may not be getting enough deep sleep due to the vividness of the dreams.

  3. I am a true believer that our unconscious speaks to us through symbols, often gathered throughout the preceding day.  BUT, here is another tidbit to consider.  

    I was struck by your comments of feeling disoriented and feeling strange when you wake up.  This can be totally unrelated to the dream but actually the result of awakening from Stage 4 sleep.  

    Stage 4 is the deepest level of sleep and comes just before the famous REM sleep.  The Helpguide (see link below) has this to say about what you might expect from awakening during Stage 4 sleep: "You’re difficult to awaken, and if you are awakened, you do not adjust immediately and often feel groggy and disoriented for several minutes."

    Sound familiar?

  4. strange dreams can be the result of a multitude of things from changing your eating habits, changing your sleeping patterns, increased stress or even what you think about before you fall asleep.

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