
Why do I keep having nightmares?

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I haven't had a pleasant dream in forever! Every single dream I have I'm running scared, fearing something, worrying about my baby... and so on. Why is every dream scary? Sometimes even disturbing. One that I can think of I was robbed and I stabbed those that robbed me. Graphic, I KNOW! What's going on??? I dream every night and remember each dream when I wake. It even affects my mood in the morning.




  1. I had this happen to me alot while i was younger, and it really freaked me out. But what i used to do, was think about the things that scare you that you have had in previous nightmares, think about them just before you fall asleep and then the nightmare wont happen because for some strange reason, its becuase you just pictured it in your head. Have a nice sleep!

  2. I try to look at some of my dreams to see what they mean. Sometimes its obvious and other times it makes no sense. When I worry about things in my head or feel things that bother me they end up in my dreams. There are books on how to see what your dreams mean. Maybe understanding them and dealing with any of those issues will stop the dreams. Or! You can buy a dreamcatcher! haha. Well good luck and I hope you get some peaceful sleep :)

  3. I think your dreams just reflect the stress in your life, that's all.  You worry about your baby.  You'd like to run from bills (every screen your calls?), hide from demand.  

    You feel you have been robbed of something important in your life.  Think about it.  Who has hurt your or ripped you off?  The baby's dad?  Someone else?  Do you "fight back" or do you seethe with anger, wishing you could somehow pay back what has been done to you?

    This is the stuff your dreams are made of right now.  

    Pray and ask God to give you wisdom, and grant you peaceful sleep. Pray that your dreams will be helpful and healing, not just expressions of your own frustration.

    One of God's favorite things to hear from us, besides "thanks" for the good things in our lives, is a request for wisdom.  Because, if we ask for wisdom, it means we want to do well, to fulfill our responsibilities and live healthy, happy lives, which is what He wants for us.  He never violates our free will.  He waits for us to ask.  So, ASK!


  4. I suggest that before you go to sleep get in a very peaceful calm mood. Also it would probably help if you learned to control your dreams. I used to have bad dreams all the time but I learned to change them while asleep. Next time you have a bad nightmare try to tell yourself its just a dream. Do your best to try and think of something else. I find that a good way to do this is to picture something funny happening to whatever is causing you harm. I.E balloons coming out of them or something nice like that. Try to think serene thoughts before going to sleep like a peaceful stream or a nice meadow.

  5. well dont watch scary movies or bad televison shows. if not that go see a phyciatrist.

  6. It is common in pregnancy or early motherhood to have a lot of nightmares.  It is just your mind worrying about your baby's health and the birth.  If they are really effecting you, talk to your midwife or health care advisor.  It may be a symptom of depression.  Good luck :)

  7. Aww poor baby i wish i was there to hold you and kiss you so you will feel better.. xx

  8. It could just be your brains way of blowing off extra stress/steam.  Obviously the outside world and whats going on in your life can affect your unconscience self.  When was the last time you relaxed and had time just to unwind? Went on vacation?  Didn't have extra c**p to deal with?  I say spend a couple days pampering yourself and relax a different way than normal routine before going to sleep.

  9. just always pray and don't imagine or think of some scary things....that's all i can say

  10. Well, it may depend on things that have been going on in your life, like your job, family, or stuff like that. I lost a couple of family members back in the winter and had horrible dreams for a while. Since then, I hardly ever dream at all. If I ever do, I never can remember them. I started spending more time with my friends got into music. That relieved a lot of head clogging thoughts. That may not work for you though. I hope the best for you!

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