
Why do I keep having this dream?

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Oddly..I used to be deathly afraid of E.T.

Why E.T? I don't even know..

But it all started a couple years AFTER I watched the movie.

I had this dream when I was very little. It seems it always occurs when I move into a new house.

But anyways, It starts out like this..

I would be laying in my bed, staring at my door and all of the sudden it would begin to slowly open. And there he is, just standing there. And he starts to move closer to my bed, and by that time I forced myself to wake up.

I moved, had the same dream. Moved again, same dream! Accept the character I was in my dream knew what was going to happen, So I could control myself and do whatever I wanted.

So I chased E.T around the house with a bat =/

Why do I keep having this dream..

And can anyone else control themselves in a dream? =]




  1. ET is an alien, so he represents things that are alien to you and unfamiliar. So now instead of ET, think of what lurks behind the door is this feeling of unfamiliarity. It's not a comfortable feeling.

    Fortunately by the second dream you had learned how to squash these feelings and you are able to chase them down and banish them.

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