
Why do I keep having this dream with the same theme?

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Ok I keep having a dream where I'm in a random place. It's always a different place but the same thing usually happens. There's a guy from college that I was really good friends with until we decided to do the do a few times. Apparently that was a bad idea because our friendship changed and pretty much disappeared. In these dreams I'll run into him and he'll be so happy to see me that no matter where we are everyone always has to tell us to get a room. I know he doesn't have feelings for me like that anymore and I don't have feelings for him either. What is this dream about? I had this dream a few weeks ago and assumed it meant something about a guy from my past. At that time I had just come in contact with another guy that I previously dated. Now here I am having that dream again!! PLEASE HELP!




  1. This is a difficult concept to get across.  There is a part of your self that you have lost contact with and your dream is using your ex as a symbol for it.  If you read dreams here on Yahoo, you will notice this theme keeps coming up over and over and each time the dreamer says something like "I don't understand why I keep having dreams about him/her".  Dissociation is a universal experience, so it actually makes sense that people keep having these dreams.

  2. I am guessing here but do you think your dream of him being

    happy to see you etc. is a deep feeling inside you that you want him

    to really be happy to see you in real life, because it comes down to

    being ignored and or not caring like you would like him to and you

    would like to feel maybe..

  3. I feel this is about you doing things that people expect of you. Its comfy and people like you for who you are. The trouble with that is that is it is dfficult to go with the changes we feel inside. Because then we become a whole different person and that can be a bit uncomfortable. you know, we are who we are, and when we are true to ourselves and we outgrow the people around us we naturally gravitate to new people who are more like who we are becoming. It is all part of growing and changing, allow it to happen, as one door closes another one opens.  

  4. It is normal to dream of someone who you used to be deeply in love with or cared about, even if it has been a long time, and one is in a happy relationships. It's just the memory molecules in our brain that are still there just being activated in our dreams by some sort of emotions. It doesn't mean anything. It still happens to me, and a lot of people. It's just like in our waking life when we recall "one time, there was this..." - it's just a memory of what we had before and if it means nothing, then it's nothing. It's like recalling times when we were a kid, and some sort of happy times.

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