
Why do I keep laughing when I read aloud?

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I know this is strange, but whenever the teacher of my class makes me read aloud some text to the rest of the class, I have the uncontrollable urge to laugh, even though nothing is funny. But the teacher still makes me and I get really nervous and I can't stop from choking up and laughing. How do I stop this? It's really irritating for me.




  1. Practice reading out loud while you are at home.

    When I was a kid and the teacher called on me, I always had to ask the teacher what page they were on.  Then I would turn back to that page, usually about ten pages behind where I was reading, and read out loud.  Everyone laughed when I used the French pronunciation for English words that came to us from French.  haha.

  2. You are experiencing an involuntary reflex that is caused by the humi

  3. You're scared of making a fool out of yourself and having everyone laugh at you. Subconsciously you think that if you are laughing while they are then it won't be so embarrassing if you mess up.

  4. Many people, including me, get the urge to giggle when we are nervous.  I really cracked up once in front of our entire church when my sister and I were singing a duet.  It is possible that you have nervous laughter.  The more you practice the less nervous you will be.  Try reading out loud at home.  I used to go to a friend's house who had two small children and I would read my papers to the kids for practice.

  5. i would say you are probably nervous and that is how your brain is reacting.  i would suggest reading out loud in front of a mirror and then ask your parents, sibling, relatives, etc if they would be your test audience.  as they say, practice makes perfect.

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