
Why do I like being alone when I'm drunk or high?

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when I'm high I'm usaly wit pep since we do it everyday but I prefur being alone, also when I'm drunk I like being home alone, why is dat is it normal?




  1. maybe you should lay off the drugs and alcohol and finish high school. your spelling is terrible.  

  2. Because you are either a loner or depressed, or completely like me.

  3. But I wouldn't feel so all alone

    Everybody must get stoned

  4. Emo?

  5. Well I think it shows that your type of a person who's searching for a meaning that your trying to understand it.So that is why your doing much of thinking that involves being alone.Your a type that understands life though you always think is that making me drunk would satisfied myself and make me forget all the depression i have ?

    Basically,your trying to understand yourself more and i think your a type of person who knows what is life and that you have experience life and so that is why you felt like being somewhat alone for quite sometime.

    You need no one to care for you cause that would worried you whenever your drunk,you need someone to understnad you as life has cause much depression to somtimes you think your lost.

    You are your kaunselor and your own pyschologist.You can heal your own mind as though dont ever let your heart controls your mind,this would lead you to weaknesses of mind.

    Lots of people would choose of being alone to heal themselves.

  6. your getting addicted

  7. its probably because of control. you know when your drunk or blazed out of your mind, if given the situation you know you could be held accountable for yourself, but not for your friends. so you figure you might get caught, so youd like to just be alone doing your own thing.

    also, when your both high or drunk you burn out, therefore wanting to sleep, and just relax, when put into a social scene you have to be talkative and out-spoken, and you seem like youd rather just be chill and relaxed, its normal dont worry lol.

  8. I am the same way when I'm high on weed or blow. But when i am drunk, i do like to be with other people. To answer your question, i think its normal. To each their own.  

  9. because then you can enjoy your buzz and no one will bum from you either. I love to just relax by myself with a doobie and a drink after workin' it's so relaxing to just unwind and get stoned. You are normal! most of the world does this too, it's just behind closed doors. Not to mention beer and other liquor is way too expensive out at the clubs! yeah,stay home and chill, it just feels good!

  10. so you wouldnt let you secret out o.o

  11. I'm worried that you think of being drunk or high as an everyday activity.  You really ought to find some help.  Being in this state isn't normal.  You are no longer in control of yourself but allowing drugs to change your personality.  There are various organizations that give advice when drugs have taken control of someone's life.  Do go out there and get some help while you can.  At the moment you can talk about it.  Now is the time to get some support and advice.

  12. you just dont like people seeing you in that state your a shamed of your self  you need to take to some body it is best if its some one you dont nknow

  13. bro, ur prolly just thinking about alot or some ****. u just need to chill out, take everything out of ur mind andhave fun. pretend tommorow ur gonna die, lol that was a bad way to put it. make the most of everyday, YEAH!

  14. Because your totally addicted of drinking.

  15. thats a sign of addiction

  16. That is one of the first stages in becoming a drug addict or alcoholic.  I am being completely honest with you.  If you aren't just drinking occasionally in social situations (plus, you're getting high...doesn't matter which drug) should seek counseling before it gets out of hand....which it may be already.  Please take my advice.  I've been around this too much and it is a dark, scary and lonely place.

    Whoever gave me thumbs down obviously hasn't been around real addiction.  I know what I'm talking about here.  Good luck to you all and IS our choice to drink and do is NOT our choice to become addicts.  By the time it is're in too deep.

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