
Why do I look so young I am 22 years old but look like i am 16?

by Guest59603  |  earlier

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Is there anyone who had any experience like this i really hate it i have a really hard time telling anyone i am 22 i look so young i can't buy cigarrettes or alcohol without a big deal will i eventually look older?




  1. Eventually, you'll wish you looked younger.  But I understand it must be annoying having people take 2nd and 3rd looks at your ID before letting you into the bar.

  2. Be happy becuase when you're old and want to look younger, you can.  

  3. will it would have helped if u posted a foto

  4. many places will card you for cigs or alcohol if you look like you are under 40, so just deal with it.

  5. i'm 16, 5' 1'' and i still get asked for kids menus at restaruants. people think im twelve. but you know what? one day, you'll be 80 and people are going to think you're in your sixties. it'll payoff in the end and you'll be thankful for your youthful looks :)

  6. Well im 13 and people say that i look like i am 8 or 7

  7. Well im 17 and i think i look younger and i understand how annoying it is because you are alot older than you look and its hard to be taken seriously.  I dont think many of these people answering really understand

  8. yeah youll eventually look older.

    Depends on what you wear too.

    if you dress like a lil girl...then your gonna look like a girl!

    change up your look

  9. I'm 15 but I look 12. It's okay, eventually you will look older and it's good to look younger too.

  10. haha. I'm sure you're eventually going to look older, but I'm sure then you're gonna want to look younger, so enjoy looking young. Think about it like this, when you're 50 and look like you're 44 you'll get younger women.  

  11. Thats good in a way.Stay forever young

  12. Yeah, it's great. I was still getting carded in my 30's. Believe me, you learn to appreciate it.

  13. Well, I'm 34 and look 10 or more years younger.  People think my husband is my father!  I think I'll be carded until I'm 50.  There's no shame in looking younger than you are.  Be thankful you have no wrinkles!

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