
Why do I lose my tuition and education credit if I change province?

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I lived and paid tuition in Ontario in 2001, 2002, and the subsequent years. Now I live in Manitoba. Apparently since I moved to Manitoba I lost my tuition and education credit for 2001 since Manitoba did not have schedule 11 until 2003. But I still get the credit for 2002. Why do I only receive the credit for one year, and lose the other one? Why not taking the credit for both years or giving me the credit for both years?




  1. Well if you lived i Ontario for the years 2001 and 2002 you should be doing an Ontario return not a Manitoba return for those years, and you should get the credit.

    If Manitoba did not have an education credit those years it's unfortunate, but just the case of one province having different tax rules than others.  Come live in Quebec and see how badly you can get taxed.

  2. The first year you lived in Manitoba, the provincial carry over amount (line 1 on form MB(S11)) should have been the same as your Federal carry over amount. This is the rule for Manitoba, which is the one that would apply since you moved TO Manitoba.

    These rules vary from one province to the next and are not detailed in any publication that I've found at the CRA web site. I actually had to look at the Manitoba Income Tax Act for the answer.

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