
Why do I need God's approval ?

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and worse yet those who call themselves his peoples on everything pertaining to my life? Sounds like communist ideology to me written by dictators of the supreme dictator himself. Is this what it is going to be like in heaven ?




  1. you would have to believe in 'heaven' first.

  2. Becasue He knows what's right for you are whatever you wish for.

  3. Here's the good news... You ALREADY HAVE God's approval!  God LOVES you and says that you are a wonderful person that He created!  Why wouldn't He approve of you?

    You don't need OUR approval, either.  Who are WE to tell you what to do?

    You have your own choice, your own ability to live your life as you choose.

    I think what you are upset about is that you feel that someone is trying to force to to do or be something you are not, or telling you that you are wrong about something.  If you feel nothing is wrong, why are you so upset?  When something upsets you this much, it's not because someone else is doing it to you... you are upsetting yourself.  These feelings may come from something inside of you saying, "hey, something is wrong here, and I'm not happy about it!"  Then you have to sit down and analyze within yourself what is going on.

    But don't blame others when you are the one upset.  Only you can change your feelings, emotions and behavior.... so no one can do anything to you to cause this.

    Heaven?  No, heaven won't be like a communist dictatorship.  It will be filled with the most beautiful love, happiness, and joy you can possibly imagine... and more!  We will each have our own "place" there, filled with all the things we love which are special to us... and I believe this includes our loved ones, our beloved pets, etc.  God tells us that, just as a loving father would not deny to his children that which they love, He will not deny to us what things we love.  That doesn't sound like a dictator to me, but a mushy-hearted benefactor.

    Please find what is making you feel this way, and if you wish to discuss it further, my email is always "open."

    Have a blessed day.

  4. you dont need nothing,

    its your own choice to,live life God's way or your own way.

    you have freedom of choice,

  5. you don't

  6. You don't need god's approval, since he doesn't exist, but apparently, he has plenty of people on here that think they're his spokespeople.

  7. Well you're right if you believe that you shouldn't have to seek the approval of others in your life.  And it might not be important to you if God Himself approves of you.  However, for many of us, it is.  And while I certainly don't judge what you do with your life, no matter what you do, I do believe Holy God cares about what I, personally, do with my life.

    As for heaven, if you don't care about pleasing God, you won't have to worry about what heaven will be like.


  8. Please don't insult communism by comparing it to religious profiteering.

    Religon does not want you - they want someone who won't question it, who will bow down and throw his money away. God is just a way to your pocket. If it's not the money than they want you to martyr yourself for a greater cause. Right....

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