
Why do I need people to tell me I look good to feel it myself?

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How do I learn to know, in my gut, without others, that I'm beautiful without people having to pay compliments?

I guess it all comes down to a confidence thing...




  1. Sounds like you have a constant need for attention/justifications from others because you didn't get much of it growing up.  It's more than confidence, it's accepting who you are and being okay with it.

  2. You are just insecure.  Join the club.

  3. Do you compare yourself to others, such as celebrities? Has anyone ever told you you aren't pretty?

    Don't EVER compare yourself to professionally "painted" celebrities and let the media dictate what's beautiful or not.

    What do you see when you look in the mirror? Do you see yourself?

    At any rate, just (try to) be happy with yourself. :)

  4. The great thing is, you DON'T need anyone to tell you that you look good to feel it. As long as you think highly of yourself and have confidence and self esteem you WILL feel good!!!!

  5. it is very common among females to feel a need for confirmation.

    in the worst cases as in the Asian society, asian women have such as strong need to be confirmed by main stream society that in some asian countries 3 out of 4 women have had plastic surgery to look white.

    youtube this topic

    you'll get reports from tyra banks, CNN etc...

    its a tragedy.

  6. Confidence and self esteem issues. Your not alone.millions of people have the same prob. Check the link below.

  7. Confidence does come with knowing who you are, but most importantly you have to not care what others think.  For example, you ever wonder why alcohol is called "liquid courage?"  Alcohol slows down everything in your brain, and basically makes you not care.  So you feel like everything you say is the right thing, and frankly you could care less what others say about you.

    A big part of feeling good about yourself is blacking out the negative energy that others bring on to you. Think about it, your best friend just tells you to change the shirt your wearing, or you have a zit on your face that needs to be popped...most people start to let their guard down and they start to feel crappy. Or your surrounded by people you don't know, and because your unable to make conversation  you start to feel like something is wrong.  These are all factors in confidence that can be blocked out.  

    You could be the ugliest sob on the planet, but if your confident about who you are then nothing can stop you.  I'd imagine your probably not elephant man you defiantly have more to work with then others :)

    If your constantly

  8. be yourself

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