
Why do I need to see so many different doctors?

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I have Graves Disease and I see my GP once a month , and Endo every 2-3 months (he just goes over much the same as my GP), an eye doctor every 2 months - but my GP and Endo look at my eyes when I am there seeing them anyway.

On top of all this I get bloods taken every month by the nurse and GP is talking about sending me to another doc re my skin condition (presumably caused by Graves). I was always healthy and never really needed to visit my doctor, but now this has all changed.

I know there are people who need dialysis constantly to stay alive, cancer patients who need chemo etc and I shouldn't complain - but I am getting a bit fed up of travelling around different hospitals and seeing different doctors all the time. Can't my GP and Endo just do it all.




  1. Hi, AVAG

    I'm sorry your having these problems, and I can appreciate how frustrating it is, unfortunately, It's better for you to see a specialist Dr in that field regarding each problem so you get the best possible care. Have you tried the support websites for Graves disease? There must be some. Have a chat with your GP and explain how your feeling, the problem with Graves disease as you know, is that it's fairly complex and can bring about many different symptoms and problems and needs constant monitoring.

  2. The medicine now is very diversified, but there is a doctor which can see all the branches like internist doctor or an homeopath.

    The homeopath see all the sickness body or mind everything and there ar a lot very good doctors pincipally in Europe: Spain, England and france. In Asia in India. In America The USA, México, Argentina, and Chile and Colombia.

    Good luck.

  3. If there was one doctor which could do all of that they would need to do all specialist training and that would mean about 20 years in university/College

  4. Because certain doctors specialise in different areas.

    You are lucky you are being sent to specialists.

  5. If you trust your GP, ask him or her this question.  If your GP is the one who originally sent you to the Endo, he can explain why.

    I hate visiting a myriad of doctors also and I'm constantly on the lookout for when I can cut one out - but I think the bottom line is this.  There are medical specialist for a reason - they look at things from different perspectives, possess a different level of knowledge about specific areas of the body, etc.  I like my GP, but she is more like a "jack of all trades".  I have come to respect her opinion when she recommends I see another doctor for a specific reason.  Good luck.

  6. You have an auto immune disease which needs constant monitoring.

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