
Why do I need to sleep?

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Okay when I was in high school everyday I woke up at around 7 and went to school until 2-3, everyday I came home and fell asleep every time! How ever hard I tried I couldn't stay awake, I thought it was because of anemia so I left it that way (what could I have done?) ....

When college started I had a class in the evenening so I sleep late and woke up around 12-1, I never felt sleepy during the late so I forgot about my problem...

When I took a new class that starts at 8, the first day until today I've been sleeping after school and It feels horrible, what ever I do I can't stay awake so I sleep for a couple hours but wake up feeling like I missed out on the world (every time)...(So far Im still getting used to sleeping early so I've been sleeping between 12-2)

Why is this happening? Am I sleeping too late/Not getting enough sleep? Am I not a morning person (even though I consider myself one)? Anything?





  1. College students are supposed to get more sleep, according to recent studies (8 to 10 hours).

    In addition, with the changes of the beginning class times, your sleep cycle is thrown off.

    To reset your body clock, stay up one night the entire night and the entire next day, then go to bed at the time that would give you 8 hours prior to the time you really want to get up (IE 9 pm bedtime for a 6 am wakeup,  for the 8 am class).

    Otherwise, you will have to start a sleep habit of going to bed a little earlier each night until you can do the 8 am.

    For me, usually getting up that early several days in a row helps set the body clock, though I hate getting up early in general and always have.

  2. Pitfan is lame. That is not funny man!~LAT3$~

  3. you need to sleep to get rest. Then, when you are rested, you can get back on yahoo answers! lol

  4. Try caffeine?

    that helps most people :)

  5. When you wake up early & go thru your daily routine at school - you use up a lot of energy.  There's nothing wrong w/a short 'power nap' to rejuvenate you system to continue on thru the day.  Make sure you eat properly & lay off the junk food with loads of empty calories.  Try to get as much exercise as possible so when you do sleep at nite, you get a restful sleep.  When you get older in life - an occasional power nap becomes mandatory.  Some people just keep moving to keep from getting sleepy.  If they sit still for 5 minutes, they're gone!  You body lets you know when enough is enough - take a break.  I had a 45 minute school bus ride each way daily.  After school, the ride home was so long & drawn out, I would nearly always fall asleep.  It might help if you eat a 'light' lunch so you won't get drowsy later in the day.  Try not to overeat or gorge yourself on starchy foods or desserts.  Take the time to enjoy your food & not snatch & grab & run.  Good luck.

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