
Why do I need to sleep so long to feel refreshed?

by  |  earlier

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I've tried sleeping less. I have tried 5 hours of sleep, six, 7 and 8 hours of sleep. I always feel tired. This weekend I didn't set my alarm clock and got between 10 and 12 and I felt much better.

Why the h**l does my body need so much sleep? I work and go to school full time so there is no way for me to get this much sleep during the week.

And no, I'm not "catching up". If you know anything about sleep you know there is no such thing as catching up. Someone who knows their stuff please help me out. All the research I have done has proven useless.




  1. your body is running out of energy too much and your not eating the right need carbs and veg. and protein everyday in order to stay energized. and since your missing something in your daily diet you dont have enough energy and your body gets week and wants to sleep

  2. When is the last time you had a physical?  It might be time for an all around check up to see if there is something going on that is making you so tired all of the time.  There are many treatable disorders that could explain your exhaustion easily.  Some can be treated with a specific lifestyle change and others need medication.  This is your best shot to start figuring out what might be going on with your body.

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